Page:Voyage of discovery to the North Pacific Ocean, and round the world in the years 1791-95, volume 2.djvu/363

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on the western side of this inlet, left me little doubt of its being the continent ; and we departed in full expeftation, that, during this excursion, we should finally determine the reality of the difcoveries attributed to the labours of Admiral de Fonte.

With Mr. Whidbey I left the charge of the obfervatory, with orders to make all neceflary obfervations for correfting the errors, and afcertaining the rate of the chronometers ; and the more completely to effeft the former, I defired that Mr. Baker, and fome others of the gentlemen, would alfift in making as many obfervations as the circumftances would admit of, for determining the true pofition of the fl:ation we had taken.

179> July.