Page:Voyage of discovery to the North Pacific Ocean, and round the world in the years 1791-95, volume 2.djvu/465

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^793' Oaober.

50"; Arnold's No. 176, 47' 21" to theeaft; and that No. 14, was i8' 20" to the weft of the truth. Thefe obfervations, with thofe made when o£F Scots' iflands, completely manifefted the increafe of error in that lapfe of time, by which means a new rate of going was pretty well af- certained ; and which having been adopted in calculating and correfting the longitude affigned to the feveral ftations between port Stewart and Nootka as before mentioned, I truft will be found liable to little objec- tion. The error and rate of the chronometers as refulting from the before mentioned obfervations, fhewed Kendall's at noon on the 7th, to be fad of mean time at Greenwich, - - - 2.^ 5^' 4" '" And to be gaining per day at the rate of, - 22 23 Arnold's No. 176, ditto, ditto - 6 11 14 And to be gaining per day at the rate of, - 40 45 Arnold's No. 14, ditto, ditto - 2 38 59 And to be gaining per day at the rate of, - 21 37 Thefe rates will regulate our further obfervations, until we may have an opportunity of afcertaining the errors more correftly. CHAPTER