Page:Voyage of discovery to the North Pacific Ocean, and round the world in the years 1791-95, volume 2.djvu/478

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«793- November. and that I had made choice of this port, or St. Diego, for the purpofe of refitting our vefTels, unloading the ftore-fliip, and making fuch aftronomical obfervations as were Ix'come nece'fary for profecuting our refearches with correftnefs. The manner in which thefe fervices would require to be performed on fhore I particularly pointed out, and hoped that the officers and people would be permitted the fame recreation on foot and on horfeback, with which they had been indulged on our former vifit, under fuch limitations and rellriftions as he might think proper to prefcribe. On monday I received from Sen' Arrillaga a reply to my letter, in Monday 4 which he was pleafed to compliment me upon my ingenuity ; and thanked me for having given him the perufal of the viceroy's letters. In vindication of himfelf he faid, that there was no royal order for the re- ception of our veffels, like that produced by M. de la Peroufe. That he did not comprehend that his excellency cxpe6led that we fhould repair a fecond time to the ports under his jurifdi6lion; and that even Sen'- Quadra before his departure had given the commander of the garrifon to underftand, by a letter of which Sen' Arrillaga fent me a copy, that the attentions we had received on the former occafion were for that time only ; and were not to be confidered as neceffary to be fhewn us in fu- ture. Notwith (landing however all thefe obje6lions, being defirous of contributing to the public undertaking in which we were engaged, he re- quefted I vould inform him of the precife number of davs in which the flore fhip could be unloaded ; he offered to give me ths key of the ware- houfe at ihf jaiiding place, for the reception of her cargo, near which we might cretl the obfervatory ; and allowed the gentlemen and officers to recreate themfclves within fight of the Spanifli officer, wlio ffiould be ftationed for the proteftion of the cargo and obfervatory ; which lat- ter was only to be eiefted in the day time, as he could not permit any of our people to be on fhore between fun-fetand fun-rife; and laftly, he had no objedlion to our recruiting our wood and water, provided all thofe employed on that fervice fliould retire on board at night, and that I would engage that the greatcfl difpatch fhould take place in thefe and all our other tranfa6lions. Vol. II. 3L The ■ 1' c!; •|.' ■ it ." ■ '11 ti »ia

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