Page:Voyage of discovery to the North Pacific Ocean, and round the world in the years 1791-95, volume 2.djvu/543

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the fertile foil of New Albion feems calculated to afford. By the formation of fuch ellablifhments, fo wide from each other, and fo unprotefted in thcmfelves, the original defign of fettling the country fcems to Jiave been completely let afide, and, inftead of ftrengthening the barrier to their valuable poffelfions ii New Spain, they have thrown iirefiilible temptations in the way of llrangers to trefpafs over their boundary.

From their dominions in New Spain they have Hocked this frontier country vath fuch an abundance of cattle of all defcriptions, that it is no longer in their power, even were they fo inclined, to effecl: their extermination. They have alfo pointed out many fertile fpots, fomc of which are very extenfive, where they have introduced the moll valuable vegetable produ6lions, not only neceffary to the fuflenance, but miniltering to many of the luxuries, of civilized fociety; and they have, by their previous experiments, fully afccrtained in what degree each is found to fuccced. A certain proportion of the natives have, by the indefatigable labour of the miffionaries, been weaned from their former uncivilized favage way of life, and are become obedient to focial forms, and praftifed in many domellic occupations. All thefe circumftances are valuable confidcrations to new mafters, from whofe power, if properly employed, the Spaniards would have no alternative but that of fubmiffivciy yielding.

That fuch an event fhould take place appears by no means to be very improbable, fhould the commerce of North-wefl: America be further extended. The advantages that have already been derived, and are likely flill to accrue, in the profecution of a weli-con(lu6iod trade, between this coafl and China, India, Japan, and other places, may, on fome future day, under a judicious and well-regulated ellabliflnnent, become an objeft of ferious and important confideration, to that nation which (hall be inclined to reap the advantages of I'uch a commerce.

Ruffia at prefent feems principally to engrofs thefe benefits, in consequence of the unwife competition between private adventurers of other nations, not only on the coaft of America, but alfo at Canton and in its neighbourhood; the only market to which, at prefent, fuch adventurers can carry the furs of North-well America. The