Page:Voyage of discovery to the North Pacific Ocean, and round the world in the years 1791-95, volume 3.djvu/336

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1794. September.

of fair ^v'cather, with regular land and fea breezes, Enabled our people to make all the progrefs that the tedious nature of their feveral labours would permit.

Since our arrival we had occafionally been vifited by Maquinna, Clem- paneloo, with fome of the inferior chiefs, and many of the inhabitants, who fold us a few fifli, and brought to market fome venifon ; but mofl of thcfe people had now retired to their winter habitations up the found. Thefe Sen' Alava exprelled a defire to vifit, and as we all knew that fuch an excurfion would be highly flattering to Maquinna, and to the other chiefs and people, a party was formed with three of our boats, and a Spanifh launch to carry the luggage. Notwithftanding that we were well perfuaded of the friendly difpofition of the natives, yet I confidered it necefTary that the boats fhould be equipped for defence, as on all other fuch cccafions. The fettled (late of the weather had now not only favored and forwarded all our tranfuflions, but was extremely inviting, to the relaxation we had in view.

See Alava and Fidalgo, with Mr. Menzies, accompanied me in the Difcovery's yawl ; Mr. Pugct, attended by fome of the officers of the Chatham, was in the cutler; Lieutenant Swaine, with fome of the genti' men of the Difcovery, were in our large cutter; and with ihofe in the Spanifh launch, our party confilicd of fifty-fix officers and men. No doubt was entertained that Maquinna, who had been informed of the honor intended him, would be in readinefs to receive u*, and for this reafon our courfe was firll directed towards Tahffieis, the place of his refidence. But as we were not much ailifted by the wind, it was near fun-fet before we arrived at a very plerJant fpot not far from Maquinna s village, where we pitched our tents; and as the day was too far advanced, our ceremonial vifit was deferred until the next day, and a meffage to that tffet> was fent by CUv)paneloo, who had attended us from the fliips. But Maquinna, who with his people was in readinefs to receive us, inflantly difpatchcd a mcffenger, requefling that we would repair to his refidence that evening. This however we thought proper to decline, but in order that Maquinna might be fiuisfied of our intentions to vifit hin) in diC morning, fome of the gentlemen walked to the village, and ex- plained