Page:Voyage of discovery to the North Pacific Ocean, and round the world in the years 1791-95, volume 3.djvu/481

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ftrutliire has rather a magnificent appearance, and the dillribution oF the cells and apartments it contains fecms to have been made with confi- derable judgment. The centre of the building is occupied by a grand tower, in which is the city clock ; and the bell, which flrikes the retreat at nine o'clock ; after which, it becomes the duty of the watchmen to fe- cure all perfons of fufpicious appearance, or fuch as are found in the ftreets with unlawful weapons.

Befide thefe public buildings, about half a quadra from the principal fquare is a houfe belonging to Sen'- Don Jofe Ramirez de Saldana, per- petual regidor of St. Jago, and one of its mofl opulent citizens. The porch, which is in the centre of the principal front of this manfion, is decorated with Doric columns, and many pillars of the fame order are with confiderable tafte arranged on each fide of it. This building is re- puted to be the only one in the city in which the rules of architecture have been ftriftly obferved ; and, on that account, it is highly efteem- ed by thofe of the inhabitants who have any knowledge of the art, or tafle for regular compofitions.

A very good houfe was creQing about fix quadras from the fquare be- fore mentioned, after a defign of Inigo Jones, as a country rcfidence for Sen'- Don Jofe Antonio Aldunate, the Provifor General of this bifliop- rick, who is jullly extolled for his polifhed manners and literary abili- ties.

At the diftance of fourteen quadra.; from the fame fquare a chapel was building, at the expence of the friars belonging to the order of St. Fran- cifco. The Doric prevails in the external compofition of this edifice, but within the pillars are of the Corinthian order. It contains ten diftinft chapels, is dedicated to our Lady of Carmin, and is called the Little Convent.

Having given fome account of the mofl; confi)icuous public and other buildings, that were either finifhed or eretling, in St. Jago, I fliall now proceed to (late fuch information refpctling the population and commerce of this city as I was enabled to procure.

St, Jago, the capital of Chili, is flated to have been founded on the 12th of February, J 541. This city is the refidence of the Prefident, who is Captain-