Page:W. G. Rice Carillons of Belgium and Holland.pdf/79

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Tunes are set upon the cylinder by the caril- lonneur, and by periodic changing are made appropriate to the season of the year. Town tradition, handed down for a century or more, sometimes fixes these tunes, but more fre- quently the musical taste of the carillonneur governs. A carillon is also played:


By a bell-master, or carillonneur, using a clavier or keyboard resembling that of a piano or organ. Thus played a carillon may be thought of as a gigantic pianoforte or organ. Its exact designation is then "Carillon à clavier." During market hours, at festivals, and in midday or evening concerts, popular songs, operatic airs, national hymns and a great variety of other tunes are played by the carillonneur. This playing by means of the clavier is often called a carillon concert. Each key of the clavier is connected by lever and wire with the clapper of its corre-