Page:Walcott Cambrian Geology and Paleontology II.djvu/76

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VOL. 57
Sidneyia inexpectans Walcott 24
Fig. 1. Fragment of the ventral side of a small dorsal shield. ✕ 2. This shows the position of the leaf-like branchiae and branchial fringes. U. S. National Museum, Catalogue No. 57498.
Beltina danai Walcott 21
Fig. 2. Fragment of the cephalo-thorax, showing the posterior margin, a low, broad furrow, and in advance of that, irregular, transverse ridges and scattered tubercles. Natural size. U. S. National Museum, Catalogue No. 57501.
2a. An untouched photograph of the specimen represented by fig. 2.
3. An abdominal segment compressed in the siliceous shale that preserves more or less of the tuberculated surface. Natural size. U. S. National Museum, Catalogue No. 57502.
The specimens represented by figs. 2 and 3 are from locality (14z) Algonkian: near the head of Johnson Creek on the Continental Divide west of Pincher Post Office, Alberta, Canada.
4. A large abdominal segment preserving a portion of the original convexity and tuberculated surface. Natural size. U. S. National Museum, Catalogue No. 57503.
The specimen represented by fig. 4 is from locality (14y) Algonkian: Altyn limestone; southeastern base of Appekuny mountain, opposite the inouth of Canyon Creek, in Swift Current Creek valley, at second gap from eastern end of mountain, near Altyn, Montana.