Page:Wallenstein, a drama in 2 parts - Schiller (tr. Coleridge) (1800).djvu/328

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How rapidly the wheel of fortune turns.
The Emperor still is formidably strong.

The Emperor has soldiers, no commander,
For this King Ferdinand of Hungary
Is but a Tyro. Galas? He's no luck,
And was of old the ruiner of armies.
And then this Viper, this Octavio,
Is excellent at stabbing in the back,
But ne'er meets Friedland in the open field.

Trust me, my friends, it cannot but succeed;
Fortune, we know can ne'er forsake the Duke!
And only under Wallenstein can Austria
Be conqueror.

The Duke will soon assemble
A mighty army, all comes crowding, streaming
To banners, dedicate by destiny,
To fame, and prosperous fortune. I behold
Old times come back again, he will become
Once more the mighty Lord which he has been.
How will the fools, who've now deserted him,
Look then? I can't but laugh to think of them,
For lands will he present to all his friends,
And like a King and Emperor reward
True services; but we've the nearest claims.
(To Gordon.)
You will not be forgotten, Governor!
He'll take you from this nest and bid you shine
