Page:Wanderings of a Pilgrim Vol 1.djvu/250

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  • general, with whom the King of Oude was to breakfast in state.

We rode to the tents—but let me commence the narrative from the dawn of day. Long before sunrise the guns and drums in the king's encampment announced that all were in preparation to cross the bridge of boats. About 7 A.M. an enormous train of elephants, camels, and troops crossed over, brilliantly decorated, and proceeded to the camp of the Governor-general. We then cantered off—I on the Bokhara grey, who became very impetuous; but, although surrounded with elephants, camels, galloping horses, and guns firing, I never lost my courage for an instant: nevertheless, I will play no such game again, it is too hazardous.

Lord William met the king half-way, and having been invited to enter the royal howdah, he took his seat on the king's elephant, and they proceeded together to the breakfast-tent through a street of dragoons, infantry, &c. Lady William, with all her visitors assembled around her, was in the tent awaiting the entrance of the great people; on their arrival, after the usual embracings and forms were over, we proceeded to breakfast.

The whole scene was one of extreme beauty. The magnificent dresses of the natives, the superb elephants, covered with crimson velvet embroidered with gold, the English troops, the happy faces, and the brilliant day, rendered it delightful.

After breakfast Lord William received all visitors who asked for a private audience in a separate tent: my husband made his sālām, and requested permission to visit Lucnow in his Lordship's train; having received a kind affirmative, we returned home.

8th.—The Governor-general returned the king's visit, and, crossing the bridge of boats, breakfasted with his majesty on the territories of Oude.

10th.—Lady William gave a ball to the station.

11th.—His lordship was invited to dinner—and dined with the eleventh dragoons, he being their colonel; the next day the Governor-general's party commenced their march to Lucnow, the king having quitted the day before.