Page:Wanderings of a Pilgrim Vol 1.djvu/279

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I was examining some, intending to purchase it: "This is not a good piece," said I. "The name of God is better than this!" exclaimed the man, with indignation; meaning, nothing is superior to it but the name of God[1].


May 9th.—The inhabitants at Jubbulpore were this morning assembled to witness the execution of twenty-five Thugs, who were all hanged at the same time, arrangements having been previously made. It would be impossible to find in any country a set of men who meet death with more indifference than these wretches; and, had it been in a better cause, they would have excited universal sympathy.

As it was, there was something dreadful in the thought that men, who had so often imbrued their hands in blood, should meet their death with such carelessness. I believe they had previously requested to be allowed to fasten the cord around their necks with their own hands; certain it is that each individual, as soon as he had adjusted the noose, jumped off the beam, and launched himself into eternity; and those who first mounted the ladder selected their ropes, rejecting such as did not please them. One of them, who had leaped off the beam, and had been hanging for more than three seconds, put his hand up and pulled his cap over his face.

This is the second execution of Thugs that has taken place here, but no accident happened this time, nor did a single rope break.

However satisfied with the justice of their sentence, of which, from the many sanguinary murders proved, there can be no doubt; still, it cannot but be lamented that the course of justice is so slow; as these men, who were this day executed, have been in prison for more than eight years, for want of sufficient evidence.

The number of Thugs in the neighbouring countries is enormous; a hundred and fifteen, I believe, belonged to the party of

  1. Oriental Proverbs, No. 43.