Page:Wanderings of a Pilgrim Vol 1.djvu/32

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No. To face page

1. Frontispiece—G[)a]nésh, to face the Title.

2. Introduction—The Camels vii

3. The Albatross 8

4. Carnicobar 14

5. The Sircar 21

6. The Ch[)u]r[)u]k Pūja 27

7. Pūja of the Tulsī 43

8. Bengali Woman 60

9. The Ice Pits 77

10. Temple of Bhāwanī, and Suttees, Alopee Bāgh 95

11. A Dhrumsālā, Bene Mahādēo Ghāt 107

12. Adansonia Digitata 116

13. A Kutcherry 121

14. Hindūstanīstanī] Song 133

15. A Barkandāz 135

16. The Durwān 142

17. The Thug's Dice 151

18. Elephant Fights 173

19. Pedigree of the Kings of Oude 186

20. Lachhmī, the Goddess of Beauty 207

21. The Grasscutter 231

22. Hebrew Hymn 270

23. The Imāms the Leaders of the Faithful 293

24. The Tāj 348

25. Ground-plan of the Tomb of the Tāj 357

26. The Tomb of Akbar Shāh 374

27. Tomb of Shaikh Selim Cheestie 403

28. Pedigree of Colonel William Gardner 420

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GLOSSARY. ——-File: 028b.png————————————————————————————


Āb, water. Ābdār, water-cooler.

Abīr, red powder used in the Holī.

Ābnūs, ebony.

Achchhā, good.

Ādāb, salutation, respects, politeness.

Adālut, court of justice.

Ādam-[kh=]or, a cannibal.

Afgan, overthrowing.

Af[gh=]ān, the name of a race of people who inhabit the country to the north-*west of Lahore; called also Pathans. They are supposed to be of Jewish extraction.

Afīm, or aphīm, opium.

Agārī pichhārī, the ropes with which horses are tied.

Agast, æschinomene grandiflora.

Āghā, lord master.

Aghan, the eighth Hindū solar month.

Aghorī, professing ughorpanth, an order of religious mendicants, who eat every thing, however filthy, even human carcases; hence, a gross or filthy feeder.

Ā'īna, a mirror.

Ākās, the sky, the firmament.

Ākās-bel, the air-creeper; it has no root nor leaves, but grows on the tops of trees.

Ākās-diya, a lamp which the Hindūs hang aloft on a bamboo in the month Kārtik.

Akbar, very good, greatest.

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Akbarābādī, of Akbar.

'Alam, a spear, a standard.

'Alam-dār, standard-bearer (Abbās).

'Ālam-gīr, conqueror of the universe.

Allāh, God. Allāhu akbar, God is great!

Ām, mango (mangifera Indica).

Amarī, a seat with a canopy to ride in on an elephant.

Ānā, a copper coin, the sixteenth part of a rupī.

Anannās, pine-apple.

Āndhī, storm, tempest.

Angethī, chafing-dish, brazier.

Angiya, a native boddice.

Ankus, the elephant goad.

Arghā, a vessel shaped like a boat, used by the Hindūs for making libations in their devotions.

Ārsī, a mirror, particularly a mirror in a thumb-ring.

Āsan, a seat or small carpet.—See Vol. ii. p. 385.

Asārh, the third Hindū solar month (June and July).

Aswina, the first month of the Hindū lunar year.

Ātashbāzī, fireworks.

Ātāsh-khwartash-], fire-eater; name of a bird, the chakor.

Atr, perfume. Atr-dan, perfume-box.

Avatār, a descent.

Ayb, or aib, spot, mark, defect.

Ayha, a lady's maid.

Azan, the summons to prayers, generally proclaimed from the minarsrs?] or towers of a mosque.

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Baboo, a Hindū gentleman, a Calcutta merchant.

Babūl, mimosa Arabica.

Badrī-nāth, a celebrated place of pilgrimage.

Badshah, or pādshāh, a king.

Bāgh, a tiger.

Bāg[h:], a garden.

Bāgh-sira, gryllus monstrosus.

Bāghīchar, a small garden.

'baghnā, an ornament made of tigers' claws.

Bahādur, champion, boaster.

Bahangī, a stick with ropes hanging to each end, for slinging baggage to, which is carried on the shoulder.

Bahut, much, most.

Bā'ī, mistress, lady amongst the Mah-*rattas.

Bailī, bullock carriage.

Bairāgī, a fakīr.

Bājrā, panicum spicatum.

Bakāyan, melia sempervirens.

Ba[kh=]shish, a gift; bakhshn[=a]shnā ?], to give.

Bakrā, he-goat.

Bandar, a monkey.

Bandh, an embankment.

Banglā, a thatched house.

Baniya, shop-keeper.

Bāns, the bamboo.

Bā'olī, a large well.

Barā, great.

Bara-dīn-?], a holiday.

Bāra-singha, twelve-horned stag (cervus elaphus).

Barāt, marriage procession.

Bardār, a bearer.

Barha'ī, a carpenter.

Bārī, a garden house.

Barkandāz, a native policeman.

Basantī, yellow, the favourite colour of Krishna.

Bastī, a village.

Baṭer, quail.

Batū'ā, a small bag.

Baunā, a dwarf.

Bāwarchī, cook.

Bayā, loxia Indica.

Bāzār, market.

Bāzūbands, armlets.

Begam, lady.

Bel, ægle marmelos (cratæva religiosa).

Belā, jasminum zambac.

Bengālī, a native of Bengal.

Bér, or bar, ficus Indica.

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Besan, flour or meal of pulse, particularly of chanā (cicer arietinum).

Betī, daughter.

Bhabhūt, ashes which the fakīrs use.

Bhagat, a devotee of a religious order, peculiar to the low tribes, whose initiation consists in putting a necklace of beads around the neck, and marking a circle on the forehead; after which the initiated person is bound to refrain from spirituous liquors, flesh, &c.

Bhāgulpūr, the town of.

Bhagwān, the Deity, the Supreme Being, fortunate.

Bhains, buffalo.

Bhaiyā, brother.

Bhang, or bhengh, cannabis Indica.

Bhātā, an extra allowance to troops on service.

Bhū'a, a father's sister.

Bhūsā, chopped straw.

Bichchhū, the scorpion,

Bidrī, a kind of tutanag, inlaid with silver, used to make hukka bottoms, cups, &c.

Bīghā, a quantity of land, containing 20 katthās, or 120 feet square, or 1600 square yards, which is nearly one-third of an English acre; in the Upper Provinces it is nearly five-eighths of an acre.

Bihisht, paradise.

Bihisht-ī, a water-carrier.

Bilva, or bilwa, cratæva marmelos (Linn.).

Binaulā, seed of the cotton tree.

Biskhopra, lacerta iguana.

Bismillāh, in the name of God.

Boxwālā, an itinerant merchant with a box of goods.

Brahm, or Br[)u]mh[)u], the one eternal God.

Brahma, the first person of the Hindū trinity.

Brahman, an Hindū priest.

Brahmand, the mundane egg of the Hindūs.

B[r:]indāban, the forest of B[r:]indā, in the vicinity of Mathurā, celebrated as the scene of Krishna's sports with the Gopīs.

Burāk, Muhammad's steed.

Burhiyā, old woman.

Burj, a bastion, tower; burūj, pl.

Burjī, a turret, a small tower.

Burka, a dress, a disguise.

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Chabenī, parched grain.

Chābuk, a whip.

Chabūtāra, a terrace to sit and converse on.

Chādir, Chādar, mantle, garment.

Chakkī, a mill-stone.

Chakor, partridge (perdix chukar).

Chakwā, Brāhmanical duck.

Chakwī, the female of the chakwā.

Chamār, currier, shoemaker.

Champā kalī, a necklace.

Chanā, gram (cicer arietinum).

Chānd, the moon.

Chandnī-chauk, a wide and public street or market.

Chandnī kā mār-janā, a disease in horses, supposed to proceed from a stroke of the moon. "The moon-*light has fallen on him," is said especially of a horse that is weak in the loins.

Chāotree, or chauthī, a marriage ceremony, the fourth day.

Chapātī, a thin cake of unleavened bread.

Chaprāsī, a messenger or servant wearing a chaprās, badge.

Chār, four.

Char[kh=]ī, a spinning-wheel, &c.

Chārpāī, bed, four-legged.

Chatā'ī, mat.

Chatr, umbrella.

Chauk, market,

Chaukīdār, watchman.

Chaunrī, fly-flapper.

Chhach hūndar, musk-rat.

Chhallā, thumb or great toe ring.

Chhappar, a thatched roof.

Chhat, roof.

Chhattak, about an ounce.

Chilamchī, washhand bason.

Chirāgh, lamp.

Chirāgh-dān, stand for lamps.

Chiṛi-mār, bird-catcher.

Chītā, hunting leopard.

Chītthī, note.

Chob-dār, mace-bearer.

Chor, or cho'ār, thief.

Chūlee, a fire-place.

Chūnā, lime.

Chūrī, bracelets.

Ch[)u]r[)u]k-pūja, a festival.

Chyūnta, black ant.

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Compound, ground around a house.

Conch, a shell.

Corook. See Kurk.


Dabāo, pressure.

Daftarī, the paper-ruler, penmaker, &c.

Dāk, post, post-office.

Dakait, or dākū, a robber.

Daldal, bog, quagmire.

Dālī, basket of fruit.

Damṛī, a coin, four to a paisā.

Dānd, oar.

Dāndī, boatman.

Darbār, hall of audience.

Dārogha, head man of an office, inspector.

Darwāza, a door; darwān, doorkeeper.

Daryā-i, or daryā, the sea, river.

Darzī, a tailor.

Dastkhatt, signature.

Dastūrī, perquisites paid to servants by one who sells to their master.

Daulut-khanana], house of fortune.

Derā, a dwelling, a tent.

Devï], a goddess.

Dewālai, dewāl, or dewālaya, temple of idols.

Dewālī, an Hindū festival, celebrated on the day of the new moon of Kārtik; when the Hindūs, after bathing in the Ganges, perform a shraddhā, and at night worship Laks[h:]mī; the houses and streets are illuminated all night; and in Hindostan the night is universally spent in gaming.

Dhān, rice before it is separated from the husks.

Dhanuk, a bow, a bowman.

Dhobī, washerman.

Dhotī, a cloth, passed round the waist, passing between the limbs, and fastening behind.

Dighī, a large tank or reservoir, in the form of an oblong square.

Dil, heart; dil-kushā, heart-expanding.

Dillī, or Dihlī, the metropolis of Hindūstan; generally called by Musalmāns Shah-jehan-abad, and by Europeans Delhi.

Dinghee, a small boat.

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Dïwakwak ?], white ant.

Dīwan-i-amwān-], public hall of audience.

Dīwān-i-[kh=]ās, privy-council chamber.

Do[gh=], buttermilk.

Dohā'ī, or duhā'ī, mercy.

Dolī, a kind of sedan for women.

Domra, the name of a caste of Musalmāns, the males of which are musicians, and the females sing and dance in the company of females only.

Donī, a native vessel or boat.

Do-patta, or du-patta, a sheet of two breadths.

Do-shalala ?], or du-shāla, two and shawl, two shawls being always worn together by the natives.

Dosūtā, two-threaded cloth.

Dūb, name of a grass (agrostis linearis).

Dūdhiyā, milky.

Duldul, a hedgehog; the name of the horse of 'Ali, the prophet's son-in-law.

Dūlhā, or dūlha, bridegroom.

Dulhān, bride.

Dumba, a kind of sheep with a thick tail.

Durga, one of the names of Bhawānī, the goddess Durgā.

Durga-pūja, the festival in honour of Durgā.

Durgah, a tomb, a shrine.


Eed, a festival, a solemnity.


Fajr, morning; barī-fajr, early dawn.

Fa[kh=]r, glory, nobility.

Fakīr, a religious mendicant.

Falīta, fusee; falīta-dār, a matchlock.

Fānūs, a shade to keep the wind from a candle.

Fatḥ, victory.

Fā[t:]īmat[=i:]ma], the daughter of the prophet, and the wife of the caliph 'Ali.

Fidwī, devoted (your devoted servant).

Fīl, elephant.

Fīl-[kh=]āna, elephant shed.

Fīl-pāī, elephantiasis.

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Gaddī, sovereign's throne.

Gāgrī, a water-vessel of brass.

Gainā, a species of small bullock.

Gaini, a carriage for a gainā.

Galahi, forecastle.

Gal'haiya, boatswain, forecastle-man.

Gālī, abuse.

Gāndar, a kind of grass, of which khas-*khas is the root (andropogon muricatum).

Ganjha, or gānja, the young buds on the leaves of the hemp-plant.

Garh, a fort, as fatīh-garh.

Garī, a cart, a carriage.

Garī-wan, carter, driver.

Gaur, an ancient city, formerly the capital of Bengal.

Ghantā, a clock.

Ghar, a house.

Gharā, an earthen waterpot.

Gharāmī, a thatcher.

Gharī, an instrument for measuring time, a water-clock.

Gharis, division of time.

Ghariyāl, a crocodile, a plate of brass for beating time.

Ghariyālī, the person who attends the gharī, and strikes the hours.

Gharna'ī, a raft supported by empty pots (gharā, an earthen waterpot).

Ghī, clarified butter.

Ghirgut, or girgut, lizard, chameleon.

Ghulām, slave.

Ghunghrū, a small bell, or little bells on a string for the ankles.

Ghur, or ghorā, a horse.

Ghur-daur, race-course.

Ghụwā], a coarse kind of cotton cloth.

Go-mukhī, a cloth bag, containing a rosary, the hand being thrust in counts the beads; the chasm in the Himalaya mountains, through which the Ganges issues.

Gobar, cow-dung.

Gola, a granary.

Gop, a cow, a caste.

Gopī, feminine of gwālā, a cowherd.

Gor-istān, burying-ground.

Gosā'īn, a holy man.

Gul-āb, rose-water.

Gul-badan, a kind of silk cloth.

Gulistān, rose garden.

Gun, track rope.

Gūnth, a pony.

Gurū, spiritual director.

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Hājī, pilgrim.

Hajjām, a barber.

Hakīm, a physician, a learned man.

Hakrī, a cart.

Hammām, a hot bath.

Hān, yes.

Hāndī, a pot, a small cauldron.

Hār, a necklace of pearls, a wreath, a chaplet of flowers.

Hargilla, the adjutant, or gigantic crane.

Harkāra, running footman.

Harphārewrī, or harpharaurī~ ?], the name of a sour fruit (averrhoa acida, Linn.).

Hāth, the hand, a cubit, or eighteen inches.

Hāthī, an elephant.

Hathī-wān, elephant-driver.

Hawāldār, a native military officer of inferior rank.

Hāzim, digestive.

Hāzir, present.

Hāzirī, breakfast.

Hazrataẓrat (as next entry)?], a title addressed to the great; majesty; highness.

Ḥaẓrat'īsā, Jesus Christ.

Hinnā, the tree lawsonia inermis.

Hirdāwal, the name of a defect in horses.

Hisāb, accounts, computation.

Howā, air.

Howdah, a seat to ride in on an elephant, without a canopy.

Hubāb, a bubble.

Hubāb-i, bubbling.

Hukāk, stone-cutter, lapidary.

Huḳḳa, or hooq[)u], a pipe.

Huḳḳa-bardar, pipe-bearer.

Hukm, order.

Huzūr, the presence.

I. J.

Jādū, enchantment.

Jadū-garīdū- ?], magic.

Jafari, lattice-work.

Jāgīr, land given as a reward for service.

Jahānārā, world adorning.

Jahān-gīr, world-taking.

Jahān-pannāh, world protection, his majesty, your majesty.

Jahannam, the infernal regions.

Jahaz, a ship.

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Jahāzi, a sailor.

Jai, or jaya, triumph, victory, bravo! huzza! all hail!

Ja'ī, oats.

Jamadār, head of the harkāras.

Jān, life, soul, spirit.

Janao, Brāhmanical thread.

Jangal, forest.

Janglī-kawwa, a raven.

Janwār, an animal.

Jawāb, an answer.

Jhaīhar, cymbals or bells for the ankles.

Jhāmā, pumice-stone, bricks burnt to a cinder.

Jhāmp, a matted shutter.

Jhārū, a broom.

Jhārū-bardar, a sweeper.

Jinn-ī, genii.

Ikbal, good fortune.

Imām, a leader in religious affairs.

Indra, the Hindū heaven.

Joār, or jwār, millet (andropogon sorghum).

Ishk-peshā, ipomea quamoclit.

Islām, the religion of Muhammad.

Istrī, a smoothing iron, a wife.

Jum'a, Friday.

Jum'a-rāt, Thursday, eve of Friday.

Izār-bund, the string with which trowsers are tied.


Ka'ba, the temple of Mecca.

Kabr, a grave, a tomb.

Ḳabūl or ḳubūl, consent, assent.

Kābul, the capital of Af[gh=]anistān.

Kacharī, or kacherī, court of justice, an office.

Kachchhī, a horse with a hollow back, from the province of Kachchh, on the banks of the Sind.

Kachnār, bauhinia variegata.

Ḳadam, a footstep.

Ḳadam-bos, one who kisses the feet of a superior.

Kadam-chūṃṇā, to kiss the feet, to bid adieu.

Kāfir, infidel.

Kāfūr, camphor.

Kāghaz, paper.

Kāghazī, paper-case.

Kāhan, an aggregate number, consisting of 17 pans, or 1280 kaurīs.

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Kahār, a palkī bearer.

Kahwa, coffee.

Kālā, black.

Kālā chor, an unknown person, a domestic thief.

Kālā namak, a kind of rock salt, impregnated with bitumen and sulphur.

Kālā pānī, the ocean, the black water.

Kālā zīra, the seeds of the nigella Indica.

Kalam, a pen, a reed.

Kalam-dan, inkstand.

Kal[gh=]ī, an ornament on a turban, an aigrette, a plume.

Kālī, the goddess; or, Kalilī ?] Ma[Mā ?], the black mother.

Kalsā, the spire or ornament on the top of a dome, a pinnacle.

Kam-ba[kh=]t, unfortunate.

Kamm ?] de'o, the god of love.

Kamān, a bow.

Kamān-dār, an archer.

Kamar-band, a girdle.

Kammal, a blanket.

Kanāt, canvas enclosure, walls of a tent.

Kanauj, the ancient city.

Kangan, an ornament worn on the wrists of Hindū women, a bracelet.

Kangni, millet (panicum Italicum).

Kanhaiyā, a name of K[r:]is[h:]ṇa.

Kans, or Kansa, the tyrant whom K[r:]is[h:]ṇa was born to destroy.

Kapās, cotton undressed, the cotton plant (gossypium herbaceum).

Kaprā, cloth.

Karbalā, the name of a place in Irāk, where Ḥusain, the son of 'Ali, was murdered.

Karbī, the stalk or straw of jo'ār or bājrā (holcus sorgum and spicatus).

Kār-khāna, workshop.

Kark-nath, a fool with black bones.

Karn-phūl, a kind of ear-ring.

Karor, ten millions.

Kārtik, a Hindū month, our October and November.

Karwā-tel, oil made from mustard-seed, bitter oil.

Kās, a kind of grass of which rope is made (saccharum spontaneum).

Ḳaṣā'ī, a butcher, cruel, hard-hearted.

Kāshī, the city of Benares.

Kāsid, courier, a runner.

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Kath, an astringent vegetable extract.

Katmiram, (vulgo: catamaran,) a very small raft, used as a fishing boat on the coast of Madras.

Kaurī, a cowrie, a small shell used as a coin (cypræa moneta).

Kāwar, the baskets in which the holy water is carried.

Kawwā, a crow.

Kāzī, a judge.

[Kh=]āla, mother's sister.

[Kh=]alāsī, a sailor, a native artilleryman, a tent pitcher.

Khān, a lord, a title of respect.

[Kh=]āna, a house.

[Kh=]ānā, food.

Khāna-pīnā, meat and drink.

Khānsāmān, head table-servant.

[Kh=]arīt[a:], bag, a letter.

Khas-khas, root of gāndar.—See Gāndar.

K[h:]atrī, the second of the four grand Hindū castes, being that of the military.

Kazānchī, treasurer.

Khet, a field.

Khidmatgar, table-servant.

Khil'at, dress of honour.

Khīsā, a rubber used in baths.

Khraunchī, a native carriage.

[Kh=]udā, God.

[Kh=]udā-wand, master.

[Kh=]udā-yā, O God!

Khūnd, a well, a spring.

Khush-bo, perfume, odour.

Khusrū, the king; Khusrau, the sultan.

Kibla-gāh, the place turned to when at prayer; a father, or the one beloved.

Kibla, Mecca, an altar.

Kim[kh=]wab, silk brocade worked in gold and silver flowers.

Kishan, the Hindū god K[r:]is[h:]ṇa.

Kishtī, (prop. kashtī), a ship, boat, barque.

Kismat, fate, destiny.

Kitāb, a book.

Kohī, mountain.

Kohī-nūr, the mountain of light, the great diamond.

Kohirawān, the moving mountain, i. e. the elephant.

Kot, a fort.

Krānī, a clerk.

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Krishna, a descent of Vishnū or Vishnu].

Kū'ā, a well.

Kudalī, a small pickaxe.

Ḳulfī, a cup with a cover, in which ice is moulded.

Kumbhīr, an alligator.

Kumhār, potter.

Kum'hir, a crocodile.

Kur'ān, (vulgo: koran,) the precepts of Muhammad.

Kurand, corundum stone (adamantine spar).

Kurk, an order made public, that no one may be seen on the road on pain of death.

Kurtā, a kind of shirt, a tunic.

Kurtī, a short garment for women, jacket for soldiers, coat.

Kusūr, fault.

Ḳu[t:]b, the polar star, the north pole.

Kuttā, a dog.

Kutwāl, native magistrate, head of the police.


Lach[h:]man, the half-brother of Rāma-*chandra.

Lach[h:]mī, the goddess of beauty.

Lailī, also Lạilā], the beloved of Maj-*nūnn].

Lākh, one hundred thousand; gum lac, a kind of wax formed by the coccus lacca.

Lāṭ, or lāthṭh ? (cf. next one)], obelisk, pillar, club, staff.

Lāṭhī, staff, stick.

Lāw, a rope, cable.

Līchī, a fruit (dimocarpus litchi).

Līl, indigo.

Log, people.

Lon, salt.

Lota, a drinking vessel.

Lubāda, or labāda, a wrapper, great coat.

Lūnī, the salt that effloresces from walls.

Lunj, or langrā, lame.


, mother.

Ma-bāp-], mother and father, parents.

Machh, or Machchh, the name of the first avatār.

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Machchhar, a gnat.

Machhlī, or Machhī, a fish.

Madrasa, a Muhammadan college.

Magar, an alligator.

Magrela, a seed (nigella Indica).

Mahā-bhārat, the great war.

Mahādēo, or Mahā-deva, a descent of Shiva.

Mahā-kalī, or Kalī-mā, a terrific form of Durgā, the consort of Shiva.

Māhā-nimba, melia sempervirens.

Mahā-rāj, great king, excellency.

Mahā-rājā, an Hindū emperor.

Mahạl, house.

Mahāwat, elephant driver.

Mahū'ā, or mahu'ā, bassia longifolia, bearing flowers which are sweet, and from which a spirituous liquor is distilled; the nuts afford an oil used instead of butter.

Maidān, a plain.

Makka, vulgo: Mecca.

Makrī, a spider.

Mālā, Hindū rosary, a garland.

Mālī, gardener, florist.

Mālik, lord, master.

Manḍap, or mandul, a house, a temple.

Mangūs, or newalā (viverra mungo), ichneumon.

Mānjhī, master of a vessel, steersman.

Maṣālaḥ, spices, drugs, materials.

Mash'al, a torch.

Mash'al-chi, torch-bearer.

Mashk, water bag.

Masīḥ, or Masīḥā, the Messiah, Christ our Lord.

Masjid, mosque.

Masjid-i-jāmī, a great mosque.

Masnad, a throne, a large cushion.

Māyā, idealism, illusion; a deception depending on the power of the Deity, whereby mankind believe in the existence of external objects, which are in fact nothing but idea.

Melā, a fair.

Mem sāhiba, madam, the lady of the house.

Menhdī, lawsonia inermis.

Mihtaranī, sweeper's wife.

Mik'hal, the instrument with which collyrium is applied to the eyes.

Mirg, a deer.

Mirg nābbī, musk, a bag of musk.

Mirzā, a prince.

Misī, or missī, a powder to tinge the teeth black.

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Misrāb, a steel frame for the fore-finger when playing on the sitar.

Motī, a pearl.

Muazzin, the call to prayers.

Mufassal, the country.

Mugdar, a club.

Muḥammad, the Arabian prophet.

Muḥarram, the first Muhammadan month.

Mulākāt, interview.

Mulk, kingdom, realm.

Mumtāz, distinguished, exalted.

M[)u]n, a weight, forty ser.

Mund-māl, a necklace of human heads.

Munh, mouth.

Muniyā, amadavat.

Munkir, Nakīr, the names of the two angels who examine the dead in the tomb.

Murabbā, a preserve, confection.

Musāfir, a traveller.

Muṣāhib, aide-de-camp, companion.

Muṣallā, a carpet to pray upon.

Musalmān, a Muhammadan.

Musalmanī, fem. of Musalmān.

Mushk, musk.

Mut'h, Hindū temple.


Nāch, an Indian dance.

Nadī, or naddī, a river.

Nadir-shāh, the king.

Nā'echa, a small reed, hukka snake.

Nāgā, the holy serpent.

Nahīn, or nā'īch, not, no.

Nālā, a rivulet.

Nālkī, a sort of litter used by people of rank.

Nānd, a large earthen pan.

Nārangī, an orange.

Nārjīl, cocoa-nut, or cocoa-nut tree.

Nasīb, fortune; balā-nasīb, unfortunate.

Nawab, vulg. Nabob.

Nazr, a gift especially offered to a superior.

Newala, mungoose (viverra mungo).

Newār, tape.

N'hut, a nose-ring.

Nīl-gāw, lil-gā'ī, or rojh, the white-*footed antelope of Pennant, antilope picta of Pallos.

Nīm, or neemb, margosa tree (melia azadirachta).

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Nīmbu, or līmu, a fruit, the lime.

Nūn, non, or lon, salt.

Nūr, light.

Nut-log, tumblers.


Pābos, kissing the feet.

Pachāsī, a game, so named from the highest throw, which is twenty-five.

Padshāh, a king.

Pāgal, fool; pāgal-i-nāch, a fancy-ball.

Pahār, a mountain.

Pahar, a watch of three hours.

Pahare-wālā, a sentry.

Pahār-i, a hill, a mountain.

Pā'ī, the fourth part of an ānā.

Paisā, copper coin.

Pājāma, trowsers, long drawers.

Pakkā, exact, expert, built of brick.

Palang, couch, cot.

Palīta, match (of a gun).

Pālkī, or palkee, a palanquin.

Palwār, a boat.

Pān, leaves of piper betel.

Panchāyāt, a court of inquiry.

Pānī, water.

Pankhā, a fan.

Pā-posh, slipper.

Pāras-patthar, the philosopher's stone.

Parbatīrbatī ?], pārvatī, mountaineer.

Parbut, mountain.

Parda-nishīn, remaining behind the curtain.

Parī, fairy.

Pāt, a leaf, ornament worn in the upper part of the ear.

Pātā, a plank on which washermen beat clothes.

Pātāl, the infernal regions.

Patelā, or patailā, a flat-bottomed boat.

Patelī, a small flat-bottomed boat.

Pāthur, or patthar, a stone.

Pattar, puttī, or pattī, a leaf.

Pattū, a kind of woollen cloth.

Pera, a sweetmeat.

Peshkār, minister, deputy.

Peshwā, Mahratta minister.

Peshwāz, a gown.

Phāns, a bamboo.

Phānsī-gār, a strangler, a Ṭhag.

Phānsnā, to noose.

Phurr, the noise of a bird, as a partridge or quail, suddenly taking wing.

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Phuslānā, to decoy.

Phuslā'ū, wheedling.

Pīlī-bhīt, the name of a town in Rohilkhand, famous for the smallness and fineness of its rice.

Pinnace, a yacht.

Pīpal, ficus religiosa.

Pīr, a saint.

Pitārā, a basket.

Piyāla, a glass, a cup.

Prāg, the ancient name of Ilāhābād, commonly Allahabad.

Pūjā, worship, adoration.

Pul, a bridge.

Pulā'o, a dish of flesh and rice.

Pur, a town, a city.

Purā, a large village, a town.

Purāṇ or purāṇa, the Hindū mythological books.

Putla, a puppet, an image.

Pūtlī, a small puppet or image.

Puwāl, straw.


Rahīm, merciful, compassionate.

Rahmān, forgiving.

Ra'[=i.]yat, tenants, subjects.

Rāj, kingdom.

Rājā, a prince, a king.

Rāj-rānī, a queen, royal consort.

Rāj-put, a descendant of a rājā, the name of a celebrated military caste.

Rākkī, a bracelet or amulet, which the Hindūs tie on their arms on a certain festival, held in the full moon of Sāwan, in honour of Ḳris[h:]ṇa.

Rām, the seventh Hindū incarnation.

Rām-rām, a Hindū form of salutation.

Rāmtur'aī, hibiscus longifolius.

Rānī, a Hindu queen or princess.

Rā'ō, a prince.

Rās, the circular dance performed at the festival of Krishna.

Rās-dhārī, a dancing boy.

Rasūl, a messenger.

Rāt-alū, the yam (dioscorea sativa).

Rat-aundhā, blindness at night (nyctalopia).

Rath, a four-wheeled carriage.

Rauza, mausoleum.

Rāwtī, a kind of tent.

Ṛezai, or razā'ī, a native counterpane.

[R:]ikhi or [r:]is[h:]i, a sage, a saint.

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Rohū, a fish (cyprinus denticulatus).

Rotī, wheaten cakes baked on an iron plate, called tawā.

Rūpiya, a rupee.

Rustam, a hero.


Sach, truth.

Sāchak, hinnā presented to the bride on the day of marriage.

Sadr'adālut, supreme court of justice.

Sāgar, the sea, the ocean.

Sāgūn, teak, a forest tree.

Sahajnā, horseradish tree.

Sāhib, master, gentleman of the house.

Sāhiba, lady.

Sā'īs, a groom.

Sajjāda, a carpet or mat on which the Muhammadans kneel at prayers.

Sālagrām, a stone containing the impression of one or more ammonites.

Salām, salutation, peace, safety.

Salāmut, salvation, safety.

Sallam, cloth.

Sālotarī, horse doctor.

Samāt, signs.

Samudr, the sea.

Sānchā, a mould.

Sang-i-miknātīs, the loadstone.

Sang-i-sulaimānī, agate, onyx.

Sang-tarāsh, a stonecutter, lapidary.

Sang-i-yashm, a kind of jasper or agate.

Sangtara, an orange (cintra).

Sankh, a conch which the Hindūs blow, a shell.

Sānkho, shorea robusta.

Sarā'e, a native inn.

Sarā'ī, a small cover.

Sārangī, a musical instrument like a fiddle.

Sāras, a species of heron (ardea antigone), saras phenicopteros.

Sardar, headman.

Sarhang, (corrupt: serang,) or galaiya, master of a vessel, commander.

Sarī, a dress, consisting of one long piece of cloth or silk, worn by Hindū women.

Sarkār, a superintendent.

Sarp, a serpent.

Sarpat, a kind of reed or grass (saccharum procerum).

Sarpesh, an ornament worn in the turban.

Sarposh, cover, lid.

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Satī, a woman who burns herself on her husband's funeral pile, chaste, virtuous, constant.

Sawār, a horseman.

Ser, two pounds.

Shab-bo, polianthes tuberosa.

Shaddā, the banners that are carried with the Taziya in the Muharram.

Shādī, a wedding, marriage.

Shāh, king.

Shāh-bāsh! bravo!

Shāh-zāda, a prince.

Shahīhī ?], kinglike.

Shaikh, (vulgo: Shekh) a chief, a venerable old man.

Sharāb, wine.

Sharm, shame.

Shāstr, Hindū scriptures.

Shatrang-i or sutraengī, a kind of carpet.

Sher, a tiger, a lion.

Shī'a, a follower of the sect of 'Alī.

Shikār, chase.

Shīsha, glass.

Shīsha-mahul, a house adorned with glass.

Shīsham, dalbergia sissoo (Roxb.).

Shiva, the third person of the Hindū triad.

Sholā, (commonly pronounced sola,) æschynomene paludosa (Roxb.).

Sihrā, a chaplet worn on the head by the bridegroom and bride at the marriage ceremony.

Silā, the stone on which cooks grind, with the looreea or rolling pin of stone.

Singhārā, trapa natans.

Sipāh'ī, (whence seapoy,) a soldier.

Sir, head.

Sircar. See Sarkār.

Sirjāh-tālū, black mouthed.

Sītalpatī, a fine and cool mat.

Siwālā, or shīwālā, a temple dedicated to Mahadēo.

Sonā, gold; sonahla, golden.

Sontā, a club.

Sonte-bardār, a mace-bearer; a person in the retinue of the great, armed with a short curved club, generally covered with silver.

Sraddha, funeral obsequies in honour of ancestors.

Srī or Shrī, a name of Laks[h:]mī, the wife of Vis[h:]ṇu. It is written as a mark of respect at the beginning of Hindū proper names of persons.

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Sū'ar, a hog.

Sūbadār, governor of a province.

Sulaimān, Solomon.

Sultān, king, emperor.

Sunn, hemp.

Sunnī, an orthodox Muhammadan, who reveres equally the four successors of Muhammad. The Turks are Sunnīs, the Persians are Shī'as.

Sūp, a kind of basket for winnowing corn.

Supyāri, betel nut.

Surāh-ī, a long-necked goblet.

Surma, collyrium.


Taat, paper made of hemp, i. e. sunn.

Tāj, a crown.

Takā, a copper coin, equal to two paisā.

Takht, a throne; padshah-i-takht, the king's throne.

Taksāl, the mint.

Tamāshā, fun, sport.

Tana, a spider's web.

Tanjan, a chair carried by natives.

Tarāi, marsh meadows.

Tasar, a cloth.

Tattī, a screen or matted shutter.

Tattoo, a pony.

Tawā, the iron plate on which (rotī) bread is baked.

Taziya, the representation of the tomb of Hasun and Husain, used during the Muharram.

Thaili, purse, bag.

Thiliyā, water pot.

Tīkā, a mark or marks made with coloured earths, or unguents, upon the forehead and between the brows, either as ornament or sectorial distinction; an ornament worn on the forehead.

Tilak, a mark the Hindūs make on the forehead.

Tiriyā, wife.

Tiriyā-raj, Amazon country, petticoat government.

Top, cannon.

Tope, plantation.

Tri-benī, or tri-venī, the junction of the three sacred rivers.

Tūfān, a hurricane, a storm of wind whirling round.

Tulsī, a plant, basil (ocymum sanctum).