Page:Wanderings of a Pilgrim Vol 1.djvu/330

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they were; afterwards I counted eight; two of them fell, leaving a stream of blue light for a second, and then vanished. I never before observed these meteors.

The followers of the Prophet assert, that falling stars are believed by the idolaters to be on account of the birth or death of some great man; but are in reality weapons thrown at the devils. While the friends of Muhammud were sitting with him one night, a very bright star shot; and his Highness said, "What did you say in the days of ignorance when a Star shot like this?" They said, "God and his messenger know best; we used to say, A great man was born to-night, and a great man died." Then his Majesty said, "You mistook; because the shooting of these stars are neither for the life nor death of any person; but when our Cherisher orders a work, the bearers of the imperial throne sing hallelujahs; and the inhabitants of the regions who are near the bearers repeat it, till it reaches the lowest regions. After that, the angels which are near the bearers of the imperial throne say, 'What did the Cherisher order?' Then they are informed; and so it is handed from one region to another, till the information reaches the people of the lowest region. Then the devils steal it, and carry it to their friends, that is, magicians; and these stars are thrown at these devils; not for the birth or death of any person. Then the things which the magicians tell, having heard from the devils, are true; but these magicians tell lies, and exaggerate in what they hear." Kutadah said, "God has created stars for three uses; one of them, as a cause of ornament of the regions; the second, to stone the devil with; the third, to direct people going through forests, and on the sea. Therefore, whoever shall explain them otherwise does wrong, and loses his time, and speaks from his own invention, and embellishes[1]."

An officer in the sixteenth lancers, at Cawnpore, thus describes some meteors he saw on the 12th of this month. "On going to field exercise this morning, soon after daybreak, the air presented a very singular phenomenon, being as it were filled with

  1. Mishcat ul Masabih.