Page:Wanderings of a Pilgrim Vol 1.djvu/502

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to surround the hill by regular fortifications; and the sheikh could stand it no longer. 'Either you or I must leave this hill,' said he to the Emperor; 'if the efficacy of my prayers is no longer to be relied upon, let me depart in peace!' 'If it be your Majesty's will,' replied the Emperor, 'that one of us should go, let it be your slave, I pray.' The old story: there is nothing like relying upon the efficacy of our prayers, say the priests—nothing like relying upon that of our sharp swords, say the soldiers; and as nations advance from barbarism, they generally contrive to divide between them the surplus produce of the land and labour of society. The old hermit consented to remain, and pointed out Agra as a place which he thought would answer the Emperor's purpose extremely well! Agra—then an unpeopled waste—soon became a city, and Futtehpore Sicri was deserted." The influenza having attacked our party, and my having fallen ill from being drenched in a severe storm, on my return to Agra, which increased the cough and cold from which I was suffering, prevented our prosecuting the tour we had planned for visiting Deeg, Burtpore, and other remarkable places. Extract from "the Asiatic Journal" of Oct. 1844.



"A few years ago India presented a wide field for adventure: the distracted state of the country, the ambitious projects and conflicting interests of native princes, were highly favourable circumstances to those who brought with them a competent knowledge of the art of war, and of military discipline; and who preferred a wild, erratic, roving life, amongst the children of the soil, to the regular service of the India Company. There are two individuals still living in the Bengal Presidency, and occupying a distinguished, though singular position in society, whose eventful career, if circumstantially related, could not fail to prove highly interesting. The general outlines of the history