Page:War; or, What happens when one loves one's enemy, John Luther Long, 1913.djvu/80

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eh? Well, then, what do either of you know of Sharon Lodge of the K. of the G. C.?"

"What is that, sir?" asks Ben, very polite and dumb and innocent.

"Oh, hell!" says the officer. "Knights of the Golden Circle. What are your names? I suppose you know that?"

I gave him mine. But when it came time for Ben to give his he says: "Phineas Brown, sir," kind of simple, winking to me.

The officer wrote that down.

"And where is Crider's?" says he.

Ben winked at me again and says:

"Some six miles further south. In this direction. Crider passed through here not more than twenty minutes ago, sir, that road, south, sir."

"What does Crider look like?"

"He's a tall bald man with whiskers, and looks sneaky," says Ben.

At that the officer faces his men about and goes off south at a hard gallop.