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1872 The Books of the Kings, by K. C. W. F. Bähr. Trans- lated, Enlarged, and Edited. ... Book 2, by W. G. Sumner, in Lange, J. P. A commentary on the Holy Scripture. ... New York, Scribner, Armstrong & Company, 1866-82, 26 vols., VI, 312 pp.

1874 A History of American Currency. New York, H. Holt & Company, iv, 391 pp., two fold diagram.

1876 American Finance. Boston, Williams.

1876 Monetary Development. (In Woolsey, T. D., and others. First Century of the Republic. New York, Harper & Brothers.)

Politics in America, 1776 to 1876. North American Review. Vol. 122, Centennial number, pp. 47-87.

1877 Lectures on the History of Protection in the United States. ... New York, published for the New York Free Trade Club by G. P. Putnam & Sons, 64 pp. Contents: The National Idea and the Ameri- can System, Broad Principles Underlying the Tariff Controversy, The Origin of Protection in this Country, The Establishment of Protection in this Country, Vacillation of the Protective Policy in this Country.

1875 Earle, A. L. Our Revenue System. Preface by W. G. Sumner. New York. published for the Free Trade Club by G. P. Putnam & Sons, 2 p. L., xi, 47 pp. (Economic Monograph No. V.)

Money and its Laws. International Review, January and February pp. 75-81.

1872 Bimetallism. Princeton Review, November, pp. 546-578.
