Page:War and its Heroes.djvu/37

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THE WAR AND ITS HEROES. 30 And, lo! the brigadier was even then in the power of that Marco Bozzaris, Major Mosby. " Stoughton's Bitters " came in the shape of a Confederate partisan ! The major entered his chamber without much ceremony, and found him reposing in all the dignity and grandeur of a brigadier-general commanding, whose person and slumbers are sacred. Making his way toward the bed, in tho dark, the partisan shook him suddenly by the shoulder. '■ Who is that ." growled the sleepy brigadier. u dot up quick, T want you," responded the major. "Do you know who 1 am," cried the brigadier, sitting up in bed, with a scowl. " 1 will have you arrested, sir." " Do you know who / mq '.' " retorted the major, shortly. " Who are you ?" " Pid you ever hear of Mosby?" " Yc ! Tell me, have you caught the rascal ! " " No; but he has caught you !" And the major chuckled. •• What does all this mean, sir?" cried the furious brigadiei "It means, sir," the major replied, very coolly, "that Stuart - * Cavalry are n of this place, and you are my prisoner. Get up and come along, or yoo arc a dead man ! " The brigadier groaned in anguish of soul, but was compelled bo obey, ami 1, and placed him under guard. His staff i wen captured without difficulty, but two of the former, owing to the darkn< Mifusion, subsequently made tb< i .while the other d work. They entered tl -tables, with their accoutrements, all beloo (Been, number of prisoners. Ha horses were left, for 1 bering the retreat. Del Wyndhai - no to I i re made : i . having r< u makii It was now about hall morning, and it ! I I lb had intended ' and ho in th" houses which it Would 1 |, even I cdvb.ihlo. time was wan' many 1 The lingly made h •y five in nun/' i . n B W