Page:War and its Heroes.djvu/81

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THE WAR AND ITS HI gj his place. Thus we see, within the short apace of too th. .nt 1i^ and seventeen days, he was promoted from the rank of Lieutenant to that of brigadier. General Hood continued with the Army of tlm Potomac until Lieutenant- Gcneral Longstreet'a command was sent bo re-inforce the Army of Ten;, wherej with his brave Texans, he followed that general to seek new laurels in the "volunteer Stat At the battle of Chickamauga, General Hood bore a prominent part, and, during the engagement, was so severely wounded in th< right leg m to render amputation necessary. For signal courage, displayed on the hard-fought field of Chickamauga, General Hood was made lieutenant-general. General Hood is about six feet two inches high, with full, broad cheat, ligh( hair and heard, blue eyes, and is gifted by nature witb a voi< • thai can be beard even above the roar of cannon.