Page:War of the Classes - London - 1905.djvu/111

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Walter A. Wyckoff, who is as great an authority upon the worker as Josiah Flynt is on the tramp, furnishes the following Chicago experience:

    "Many of the men were so weakened by the want and hardship of the
    winter that they were no longer in condition for effective labor.
    Some of the bosses who were in need of added hands were obliged to
    turn men away because of physical incapacity. One instance of this I
    shall not soon forget. It was when I overheard, early one morning at
    a factory gate, an interview between a would-be laborer and the boss.
    I knew the applicant for a Russian Jew, who had at home an old mother
    and a wife and two young children to support. He had had
    intermittent employment throughout the