Page:Watts Mumford--Whitewash.djvu/119

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"It is only one phase of our new artistic development," said Herr Balder, encouragingly. "You will hear and see many things in this salon that will doubtless delight you. Miss Fenodo will read from her poems. I fancy she is more in your line."

In the buzz of renewed conversation and general shifting of partners, Mrs. Durham had made her escape and was coming toward them.

"Isn't she handsome!" exclaimed Herr Balder, "dear Muse!"

The Muse certainly was handsome. Her girlish, slender fairness did not prevent her face from showing the vigorous intellect behind it, nor the cynical humor of her eyes, which were the only old thing about her. She subsided on the divan, and gazed at her friend with mirthful inquiry.

"Having a good time?"

Victoria nodded. "Yes, but I'm a little confused. You know Herr Balder?"

"Oh, dear, yes; every one in the inner circle knows his geniusship."

The musician beamed and bowed. "Miss