Page:Watts Mumford--Whitewash.djvu/121

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showing her Bohemia, as one takes a party through the slums."

"Why, it's Philippa Ford," Victoria exclaimed. "Who did you say the man was?"

"Lucius Valdeck, an Austrian or a Pole or something, travelling for pleasure. He hasn't been here long; in fact, when I met him he was just up from New Orleans, and that wasn't more than—let's see—three months ago. He has made his way with wonderful rapidity; one meets him everywhere, and he hasn't a title, either."

Victoria drew her heavy brows together in a frown. "I've seen him before; I'm sure I have, but I can't place him."

"Oh, probably; he's the sort of a person one would be sure to meet with in society, either proper or improper."

"I'll ask Philippa about him; he's somebody, or she wouldn't bother with him. By the way, I promised her she should meet you. She admires your work immensely. I'll call her over."

Philippa, having been introduced to the presiding soul, was slowly progressing through the crowd, while Valdeck presented various notables.