Page:Watts Mumford--Whitewash.djvu/160

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"If you stand my friend," he went on, "it is all I ask of fate."

"But she must not injure you."

Again the waiter interrupted, but Philippa was beyond paying any attention to his presence. Valdeck shrugged his shoulders.

"It can't be helped, unless, perhaps, you find out and tell me in what direction her enmity will show itself. I might plan to meet it. But that would entail too much on you. You could never play the ignorant; let her confide in you and show her hand. You are too open and clear a nature to meet the wiles of a woman of her stamp."

"Indeed I can—trust me. I'll know every plan, I'll fathom her every thought, I'll not leave her for a moment. If she doesn't come directly to me, and she is quite clever enough to work through other people, if she imagines I know anything or suspect her honesty, why, then I'll go to her. I'll give you my word that you shall know just what is afoot as soon as she does herself. It will be a little thing to do in return for your friendship."