Page:Watts Mumford--Whitewash.djvu/162

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now to be informed of whatever danger threatened him, of what steps would be taken. Another week, and it made little difference what came out. Till then he must play the game carefully. He looked at Philippa, and felt grateful to his lucky stars that she was so fair to look on and so pliable to his will. It enabled him to throw himself heartily into his part. He always was fortunate with his women confederates, conscious or unconscious, he commented. There was Eugenia, what a jewel the woman was. It was unfortunate that the police had suspected her, it prevented his seeing her as often as he would like.

Squab and salad were served, and Valdeck came over to the divan and sat beside Philippa.

"Let's drop all this for the present," he said, gently taking her hand; "let's talk of you, it's a pleasanter subject; only tell me that this confidence hasn't completely barred me from your respect. What can you know of a man's life and temptations!" He bowed his head on his free hand and looked gloomily into the mirror opposite.