Page:Watts Mumford--Whitewash.djvu/171

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MRS. DURHAM opened the door to Victoria's familiar knock. "Well?" she said, removing a thick cork penholder from her mouth. She wore a gingham apron plentifully besprinkled with ink-stains, and her hair showed signs of her recent labors.

Victoria threw down her muff and slung her fur collar across the room. "I saw the consul, and he has taken the matter up; but it seems there is red tape enough to strangle us all. I'm sorry I ever touched the thing."

"What is he going to do?"

Victoria subsided into a chair. "About what you suggested. He is going to cable to half a dozen proper authorities,—have Valdeck shadowed if they think best. I suggested having his rooms searched, but there are all sorts of difficulties. He's a Russian subject, or claims to be;