Page:Watts Mumford--Whitewash.djvu/328

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"'Patent medicine, I believe. She was a Bently, of "Bently's Best Bilious Bitters."'

"'Ah, I see. Poor Mortmeer!'

"'That lean young man is Toppy Van Deuxer, 2d. Toppy, 1st, married Clara Taguerra—you must recall her. She was that immensely rich Cuban planter's daughter that the Holders chaperoned and married off. I heard that they received a very nice per cent. on the "dot."'

"'I remember her,' the marchioness nodded. 'She was a charmingly pretty thing. Who is the personage in green? I seem to recognize her.'

"'That's Mrs. Trevy-Portman.'

"'Good heavens! I must dissemble. I knew her ever so slightly as Patty Winston, and now she is chasing me every day—title, I suppose—leaves cards and flowers. I hope she won't see me,—now my back is toward her. Dear me, what a pretty girl!' This last remark was caused by the entrance of Philippa, ravishingly gowned and more charming than ever; with her loomed Mrs. Ford, gorgeous in cadet blue and astrachan.

"'That,' said the guide, as he acknowledged