Page:Waverley Novels, vol. 23 (1831).djvu/25

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there was a threatening aspect. Can thy skill tell whence, or by whose means, such danger seems to impend?"

"Thus far only," answered the astrologer, "does my art enable me to answer your query. The infortune is threatened by the malignant and adverse aspect, through means of a youth, and, as I think, a rival; but whether in love or in prince's favour, I know not nor can I give further indication respecting him, save that he comes from the western quarter."

"The western--ha!" replied Leicester, "it is enough--the tempest does indeed brew in that quarter! Cornwall and Devon--Raleigh and Tressilian--one of them is indicated-I must beware of both. Father, if I have done thy skill injustice, I will make thee a lordly recompense."

He took a purse of gold from the strong casket which stood before him. "Have thou double the recompense which Varney promised. Be faithful--be secret--obey the directions thou shalt receive from my master of the horse, and grudge not a little seclusion or restraint in my cause--it shall be richly considered.--Here, Varney--conduct this venerable man to thine own lodging; tend him heedfully in all things, but see that he holds communication with no one."

Varney bowed, and the astrologer kissed the Earl's hand in token of adieu, and followed the master of the horse to another apartment, in which were placed wine and refreshments for his use.

The astrologer sat down to his repast, while Varney shut two doors with great precaution, examined