Page:Way to be happy, or, The new way of Tullochgorum.pdf/2

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The New Way of Tullochgorum.

COme gie's a ſong Montgom'ry cries,
And lay your diſputes all aſide,
What nonſenſe is't in folks to chide,
For what was done before them,
Let Whig and Tory all agree,
Whig and Tory,
Whig and Tory,
Let Whig and Tory all agree,
And drop their whig-meg morum,
Let Whig and Tory all agree,
To ſpend the night with mirth and glee,
And cheerful ſing along with me,
The reel of Tullochgorum.

O Tullochgorum's my delight,
It makes us all in one unite,
And any ſumph that keeps up ſpite,
Out of my lift I'll ſcore him,
For blyth and cheary we's be a',
Blyth and cheary,
Blyth and cheary,
For blyth and cheary we's be a';
And make a hearty quorum,
For blyth and cheary we's be a',
As lang as ye ha'e breath to draw,
And dance till we be like to fa',
The reel of Tullochgorum.