Page:Waylaid by Wireless - Balmer - 1909.djvu/137

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"Well, Mr. Dunneston," the American volunteered, "you can see for yourself that, at least, I am not jailed yet!"

"But if you do not wish to be, Mr. Preston—"

The Englishman checked himself cautiously, as though examining his impulse, and then leaned forward again in a burst of confidence and friendship which surprised the American quite as much as it pleased him.

"But if you do not wish to be," he repeated, "I would not let any one else, who knew of the circumstances at Ely, know that you did not continue with your friends about the cathedral towns. Most especially now that you are here at Plymouth trying to return home."

"Thank you, Mr. Dunneston!" the American acknowledged. "But why especially now that I am at Plymouth?" he asked curiously.

"Because, sir, the police are expecting and looking for Mr. Manling here at Plymouth now."