Page:Wedding-ring, fit for the finger, or, The salve of divinity on the sore of humanity (1).pdf/15

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ſhould have been a crown on the head, became a croſs on the ſhoulders. The wife is often to the huſband, as the ivy is to the oak, which draws away his ſap from him.

2. A help to his ſociety, by the fragrantneſs of her converſation. Man is an affectionate creature; now the woman's behaviour ſhould be ſuch towards the man, as to require his affection, by increaſing his delectation, that the new-born love may not be ruined before it he rooted. A wife ſhould carry herſelf ſo to her huſband, as not to diſturb his love by her contention, nor to deſtroy his love by her alienation. Huſband and wife ſhould be like two candles burning together which makes the houſe more lightſome; or like two fragrant flowers bound up in one noſegay, that augments its ſweetneſss; or like two well-tuned inſruments, which founding together make all the more melodious muſic. Huſband and wife, what are they but as two ſprings meeting and ſo joining their ſtreams, that they make but one current? It is an unpleaſing spectacle, to view any contention in this conjunction.

3. To his progeny, by the fruitfulneſs of her education; that to her children in the fleſh, may be God's children in the ſpirit. I Sam. 1 1. Hannah ſhe vows if the Lord will give her a ſon ſhe would give him to the Lord, to ſerve him. A mother ſhould be there careful of her children's breeding than ſhe ſhould be fearful of her children's bearing. Take heed, left theſe flowers grow up in the devil's garden.———Though you brought them cut in corruption,
