Page:Wedding-ring, fit for the finger, or, The salve of divinity on the sore of humanity (1).pdf/4

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Genisis ii. 18.

And the Lord God ſaid. It is not good that

the man ſhould be alone: I will make him

an help-meet for him.

HUMAN miſery is to divine mercy, as a black foil to a ſparkling diamond; or as a fable cloud to the ſun-beams; Pſalm viii. 4.

"Lord what is man at thou art mindful

"of him!

Man is, in his creation, angelical; in his corruption, diabolical; in his renovation, theological; in his tranſlation, majeſtical. There were four ſilver channels, in which the chryſtal ſtreams of God's affection ran to man in his creation

1. In his preparation. 2. In his aſſimilation. 3. In his coronation. 4. In his aſſociation.

1. In his preparation. Other creatures received the character of their beings by a ſimple fiat; but there was a conſultation at his forming: not for the difficulty, but for the dignitv of the work. The painter is most ſtudious about that which he means to make his maſter piece. The four elements were taken out of their elements to make up the perfection of man's complexion: the fire was purified, the earth as refined was moulded, heaven and earth were married; a body from the one, was eſpouſed to a ſoul from the other.