Page:Weird Tales Volume 27 Issue 01 (1936-01).djvu/119

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ONE of Trehearne's arms was pinned against his side by the coils of the gigantic serpent. With the other he pounded, clawed and scratched at the armor-like scales of the monster. Every vestige of color was drained from his cheeks, and his eyes seemed about to burst from their sockets.

"Help!" he shrieked hoarsely. "Help me!"

For an instant Barry was paralyzed with astonishment. An involuntary chill coursed up his spine. A musty, sickening odor pervaded the room.

An explosive gasp came from Trehearne's mouth as the last bit of breath was squeezed from his lungs. Barry heard two or three short, sharp little reports, as of twigs snapping. He knew it was the bones of Trehearne's pinioned arm, and perhaps his ribs, breaking under the terrific pressure.

Suddenly Trehearne went limp. His jaw sagged, his head fell lolling back. His free arm dangled loose. His knees buckled.

Barry whirled on the zoologist. "You—you devil!" he exploded. "Get that thing off of Trehearne—man, do you hear me?—before I kill you!"

He leveled his automatic. From the comer of his eye he could see the jaws of the silver serpent distending—distending tremendously. He had read that such reptiles could swallow an ox easily. He shuddered. Was this fearful reptile about to——

Cloxton Vroom, the little zoologist, went white. He leaped sidewise, behind a huge vase. His colorless eyes shot past Barry and rested upon the little brown man behind the door.

"Cariaco!" he bleated. "Kill him, Cariaco1" . . .

A strange and curious tale is this weird story of a huge serpent in the New York pent-house apartment of a multi-millionare; a story about a malevolent biologist, a policeman, and a beautiful switch-board operator; a story of a thousand thrills. It will be printed complete in the February Weird Tales.

Coils of the Silver Serpent

By Forbes Parkhill



By C. L. Moore

Yvala was a gloriously beautiful woman—Lilith, Circe and Helen combined into one—yet she was as cruel and dangerous as a flame from hell.


By Paul Ernst

An unusual weird-scientific story of a savant who used his will-power over insects to spy on his


By Frank Owen

The strange story of a sea-captain who was twice murdered, and the curious fate that befell his murderer.


By Lireve Monet

A tale of stark horror—a powerful and thrilling story of dark forces.

February Weird Tales
. . .
Out February 1