Page:Weird Tales Volume 36 Number 11 (1943-05).djvu/112

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The Eyrie

9. Rockefeller Plaza, New York N. Y.

Write to Martin Ware, Secretary

● This is your club—a medium to help you get together with other fantasy and science-fiction fans. Readers wanted it—they wrote in telling us how much they would enjoy meeting others of similar tastes.

● Membership is very simple: just drop us a line, so that we can enroll you on the club roster, and publish your name and address in the magazine.

● A membership card carrying the above design.—personal token of your fellowship with the weird and the fantastic—will be sent on request, (A stamped, addressed envelope should be enclosed.)

Mr. Grossette Again

I was very interested to read the replies to my letter in the Weird Tales Club department last issue. In the three letters I saw it looks as though I was overruled, two-to-one.

MacDowell and Scofield didn't think much of my skeptical outlook on weird occurrences and the supernatural. But Mr. Mulligan apparently agreed with me.

Maybe we can all agree pretty much on one thing, though. Reading about fantasy and weird things is great entertainment, and none the less so for those of us who have never actually run up against a ghost or vampire.

And anyway, if there are such things as ghosts, I guess I'd rather meet them in the pages of Weird Tales than face-to-face.

Adam Grossette.

new Members

Emily C. Wisniewski, 3036 S. 9th Pl., Milwaukee, Wise.
Gaylord Herriott, 426 Wilson St., Sharon, Pa.
John Lawton, 4 Mill Rd., Irvington, N. J.
Kenn Franks, R. No. 4, Independence, Iowa
Isidore Wrubel, 423 Hinsdale St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
James B. Grimes, 6647 Langley Ave., Chicago, Ill.
Hugh Arundel Hinchliffe, III, Apt. 21, City Point Apts., Hopewell, Va.
Ted Gentry, Jr., 315½ S. E. 2nd St., Evansville, Ind.
Lawrence Kiehlbauch, 1608 4th Ave. No., Billings, Mont.

We're sorry that lack of space prevents the inclusion of the names of all New Members. The rest will appear next time.

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