Page:Weird Tales Volume 36 Number 9 (1943-01).djvu/128

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Evil Mountains

I am writing this letter to the Weird Tales Club from my camp in the Superstition Mountains. I want to thank you for accepting me as a member and for the membership card which I think very nice. I'm proud to belong to such an interesting group of people. And now just a little about this range of mountains:

The Superstition Mountains lie some thirty miles east of Phoenix, Arizona, their jagged peaks and barren cliffs shadowing the obscure canyons. There is little water, the vegetation is scarce, thousands of rattlesnakes have made of this region a rendezvous. All in all, the Superstitions present a most forbidding aspect.

The Indians tell of evil spirits who haunt the canyons and bring dire calamity upon those who invade their domain. There is some reason for this belief:

A number of prospectors and others have gone into these mountains seeking the famous "Lost Dutchman's Mine"; some of them have returned, but more have not. What became of them no one knows. A few men from Eastern cities have come out and gone into the Superstitions looking for that lost mine. These men, unskilled in the ways of the desert, met their fate and for them to fail to return was not unique, but for others—men who had spent many years on the deserts, old "desert rats" and men well able to care for themselves—to meet their "Waterloo" here is strange. I had often wondered what it was that caused the loss of these men and, as my home is not so far distant, I decided to come down here and see if I could find out. So, here I am, camped a long way off the road at the foot of a high and barren mountain.

My home is a little log cabin close under the rim of the Tonto Basin. My post office is Payson, Arizona, Box 28, in case this letter is deemed interesting enough to make the grade into the Weird Tales Club department and some one would care to write to me. If so, I'll be glad to answer any questions about this part of the Southwest that I can.

Soon I'll be returning to my home, for I don't want to miss the next issue of my favorite magazine, WEIRD TALES.

Very truly yours,

Box 28, Payson, Arizona.

A Good Idea

I have enjoyed WEIRD TALES so very much that I started sending copies to boys in the service of Uncle Sam. The boys have written and told me that they have received many hours of pleasure from your fine magazine. So now whenever we send the boys cookies, or sweaters we have knitted for them, there is always a copy of your fine magazine enclosed in the package. Here's hoping that other sweethearts and mothers of our boys will do the same. Yours truly,

808 Fifth Street, N. E., Washington, D. C.

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