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Who Else Wants a New Head of Hair?
No matter how nearly bald you are—no matter how many kinds of treatment you've tried without results—this method is guaranteed to grow hair for YOU—or your money will be instantly refunded! Simply mail the coupon below for free proof.

Scores of Other Letters Tell the Same Story
Can't Praise Too Much
"I have been bothered with dandruff for twenty years and had lost nearly all of my hair. I have used your treatment, 30 days now and have a good growth of hair coming in. I cannot say too much in praise of the Merke Treatment.

C. H. B.
Parsons, Kansas.

Bald for Years
"Kindly allow me to praise and recommend the wonderful Merke Treatment to any one who may be looking for a hair treatment which positively shows quick results. After five weeks' treatment a new growth of hair has shown on each side of the temple, where I have been bald for years."

C. B.
New York City

Does Everything Claimed
"Am glad to say I can see such great change in my hair. It is growing longer and my head is full of young hair that has made its way through since I have been using Merke Treatment. I can't say enough for it. It will do everything you claim it to do."

Mrs. G. G.
Houston, Tex.

Improvement Daily
"After using the Merke Treatment as per your instructions, my scalp is now showing improvement daily, and I think in time I will have more hair than I had two years ago. I was practically bare on the top, but now it is gradually filling in from the back."

Attleboro, Mass.

Was Skeptical Once
I must frankly state I was decidedly skeptical as to your claims for the Merke Treatment, but a faithful use of it for a month has removed all doubt, and three of us are obtaining unbelievable results both in looks and steady growth. It has also worked wonders with the scalp, stopping all dandruff and falling hair."

L. W. F.
Chelsea, Mass.

Head Covered With Hair
"I am dropping you a few lines to let you know about your wonderful Merke Treatment. The top of my head is almost covered with new hair. I have been trying for the last five years but never could find anything that could make hair grow until I used your treatment."

T. C.
Cleveland, Ohio

By Alois Merke, Founder of Merke Institute

Folks wonder how I can make such an amazing offer. No one ever dared to do it before—to guarantee absolutely to grow hair or the treatment costs nothing at all! Here's the answer. Read the letters printed on this page—letters from those who have tried this startling new method. These are just a few of the many that pour into my office every day—letters which show without a shadow of doubt that my home treatment—in the great majority of cases—positively does grow hair!

I don't say my treatment will grow hair in every case. There are come cases of baldness that nothing in the world can help. But I've secured such amazing results in so many other cases that I am perfectly delighted with the results—if you cannot actually see a new growth of hair—then all you need to do is tell me—and without the slightest question I'll mail you a check refunding every bit of your money! I don't want a cent of your money unless I can actually grow hair on your head-and you are the sole judge of whether or not it grows!

Entirely New Method

My treatment is the result of 17 years of experience gained in treating thousands of cases of baldness. This included many long years which I spent in such famous scientific research centers as Heidelberg, Berlin, Paris, Cairo and Geneva. At the Merke Institute, Fifth Avenue, New York, many have paid as high as $500 for the same results brought. Yet now—through the Merke Home Treatment—these same results may be secured at home—for just a few cents a day!

My method is entirely different from anything known or used before. There is no massaging—no singeing—no "manage cures"—no unnecessary fuss nor bother of any kind. Yet results are usually noticeable after the very first few treatments.

My treatment proves that a big percentage of baldness, even at years' standing is caused—not by dead hair roots—but by dormant hair roots which now can be awakened and made to grow again. Already scores of men and women who suffered for years from falling hair and partial baldness have acquired a thick, healthy growth of hair through this amazing method, which for the first time provides a way of penetrating to the hair roots and furnishing nourishment directly to them. This treatment can be taken in any home in which there is electricity.

Free Booklet Explains Treatment

If you will merely fill in and mail the coupon below I will gladly send you—without cost or obligation—an interesting 32-page booklet describing my treatment in detail.

This booklet contains much helpful information on the care of this hair—and in addition shows actual photographs what my treatment is doing for thousands of others.

If you are bald—or if right now you are merely troubled with falling hair and dandruff—this free book will prove to be of the greatest value to you. So mail this coupon now—and it will be sent you by return mail without cost or obligation.

Dept. 1712, 512 Fifth Avenue, New York City