Page:Weird Tales Volume 3 Number 3 (1923-03).djvu/91

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Yes—Absolutely Free To Prove How to Restore GrayHair

I personally request every gray haired person to write for my patented Free Trial package, and let me prove how easily, quickly and surely y, faded or discolored hair can be restored to its perfect, natural color, This offer would be impossible if I couldn't sSuarantee results. But I perfected my Restorer to bring back the original color to my own prematurely gray hair, and I know just what it will do. My Restoror is a clear, colorless liquid, clean as water, Doesn't interfere with shampooing, Nothing to wash or rub off. Restored hair per- fectly natural in all Hghts, no streaking or discoloration. MAIL COUPON TODAY Bich coutalas at Special patented Bree Trial structions: or mek the eae fost On one ink of bair, color of hair with X. Print name sod sddress plainly. if poesible, enclose a lock of your hair in your letter. FREE Please print your name and address" "9 SENDA Mary '. Goldman, i COUPON 173-3 Goldmgn Bldg., St. Pani, Minn, ' Please patented Free Outfit. X shows Prat Block orecst dete tedium | dark Mectech se eisds Regelar Swing- Out, Hand- eect- o ing, Left-Hand Wheeler Revolver 32.20 or 38 Cal. $14.25 6 Shot A powerful six shot gun; made special- ly ee r mountaineers and men working in unp fed places, requiring & safe and ent weapon. “Quick as a flash, wi { penetrat- ing power and true marksmansh 2; Carry this gun with you, and you will feel = 4 Protected. -Made of best blue steel, rifled bar Hammer with safety. Fires regular, short and long 32.20 or .88 caliber ammunition. $14.26. 20 Shot Automatic Pistol 20 Shot—32 Cal. The biggest bargain ever offered. Built of best blue steel, checkered grip safety. Every one brand new and ins . all standard . ridges. azine, making 20 shots. Buy several wh ee at our unheard price, $8.50 (regular $35), Pocket Size,-.25 cal, 7 $7.80. Send No Money. Pay on arrival, our bargain price, plus few cents postage. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. Order today, NOW. THE PRICE CUTTIN iiagiaaadd RN MONFY yas oe St make $15 to weekiy 3 Y a ee io Conaaating or soliciting, We instruct you by our new simple Directograph System, supply FoR with work and pay you each w Write today for full particulars and free booklet. WEST-ANGUS SHOW CARD SERVICE LIMITED Authorized Capital $1,250,000.00 122 Colborne Buildi 5 Toronto, Can.

(Continued from page 89)

Rhodesia, and declares himself bound by ties of the purest and most undaunted affection to all the denizens, negro and simian alike, of the Dark Continent.

"Popular authors do not and apparently cannot appreciate the fact that true art is obtainable only by rejecting normality and conventionality in toto, and approaching a theme purged utterly of any usual or preconceived point of view. Wild and 'different' as they may consider their quasi-weird products, it remains a fact that the bizarrerie is on the surface alone; and that basically they reiterate the same old conventional values and motives and perspectives. Good and evil, teleological illusion, sugary sentiment, anthropocentric psychology—the usual superficial stock in trade, and all shot through with the eternal and inescapable commonplace. Take a werewolf story, for instance—who ever wrote one from the point of view of the wolf, and sympathizing strongly with the devil to whom he has sold himself? Who ever wrote a story from the point of view that man is a blemish on the cosmos, which ought to be eradicated? As an example—a young man I know lately told me that he means to write a story about a scientist who wishes to dominate the earth, and who to accomplish his ends trains and overdevelops germs, (a la Anthony Rud's 'Ooze') and leads on armies of them in the manner of the Egyptian plagues. I told him that although this theme has promise, it is made utterly commonplace by assigning the scientist a normal motive. There is nothing outre about wanting to conquer the earth; Alexander, Caesar, Napoleon, and Wilhelm II wanted to do that. Instead, I told my friend, he should conceive a man with a morbid, frantic, shuddering hatred of the life-principle itself, who wishes to extirpate from the planet every trace of biological organism, animal and vegetable alike, including himself. That would be tolerably original. But after all, originality lies within the author. One can't write a weird story of real power without perfect psychological detachment from the human scene, and a magic prism of imagination which suffuses theme and style alike with that grotesquerie and disquieting distortion characteristic of morbid vision. Only a cynic can create a horror—for behind every masterpiece of the sort must reside a driving, demonic force that despises the human race and illusions, and longs to pull them to pieces and mock them. This is true in even greater degree of pictorial artists— I

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