Page:Weird Tales Volume 4 Number 3 (1924-11).djvu/184

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The Brain in the Jar

(Continued from page 35)

alive in his special fluids various parts of the human body. And I was to be the subject of his crowning experiment, an attempt to keep the human brain alive and functioning!

"Can you imagine the horror of that scene to me, a living, normal man? Can you picture that dim room, its atmosphere heavy with, the odors of disinfectants and anesthetics, with the white-robed figures of doctors and nurses, shrouded to the eyes, flitting about silently as ghosts, as they prepared the instruments and anesthetics for this frightful crime? It was almost more than the human mind could endure, and I nearly lost my self-control. Then I read the meaning of the evil grin on Dr. Jaeger's face and knew that he was waiting for me to break down and beg for mercy. What pleasure so exquisite for him as to refuse it and perhaps make the torture worse in some way for the mere pleasure of gloating over my suffering? I gritted my teeth and swore that come what might no cry, no sign of quailing would they wring from me.

"Dr. Jaeger stared long and piercingly into my eyes. What he saw there must have convinced him of my determination, for he made an abrupt sign of disgust and gave the order for the anesthetic. I held myself rigid and taut as the ether nozzle was placed over my nose and mouth, shutting out from my lungs forever the oxygen that gives life. But I breathed deeply of the lethal fumes, for oblivion was heaven after that scene of hell.

"IT WILL never know, I suppose, just how long my consciousness was suspended. I do not think it was more than a few days, but again, it might have been weeks. My first sensations were too frightful for descrip-

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