Page:Weird Tales Volume 4 Number 3 (1924-11).djvu/187

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Since the days of Eve, woman's way has been fraught with worries and burdens. Now I can relieve your mind of one of its greatest anxieties—and offer you a FREE TEST to prove it. Just send me your name and address and I will send you one of my Femaform Antiseptic Cones by return mail.

HEALS, SOOTHES, DEODORIZES, AFFORDS POSITIVE PROTECTION Be free of worry. Preserve that dainty immacu¬ lacy so essential to your-charm. Protect health. Femaform sloes this and I want you- to know exactly how. No need to live in constant tur¬ moil longer. TRIAL FREE WRITE NOW By return mall, In a plain envelope, win come one Femaform Test Cone, with complete direc¬ tions for your use. You will thank us every day of your life for this introduction. Already 2S.OOO other wives have praised it. Delay no longer. DR. CABBIE WINTHROP Care of Lauber & Dauber, IBM W. «1st St. Chicago, Ill. VA ucr DMT SITBRED CALAUTOMXnC MADE ■MM, drop forge Moe steel, hurt on New. positive safe ty. A world beater Sheet* 7 Sh*ta Negnlar SSS4M» wiee, special at «S.78. Shoots any standard automatic cart¬ ridge. PAY POSTMAN ON D«- LIYKR.Y, plus postage. PABAMQUNT TIAOM CO, Dept. KEIF. 84 V. 28th St, R. T MAKE MONEY AT HOME You can earn good money at home In your spare time making show cards. No canvassing or soliciting. We show you how. supply both men and women work at home no matter where you live and pay you cash each week. Full par¬ ticulars and booklet free. T^rlte today. American Show Card System, Limited 128 Adams Bldg. Toronto, Canada 1 DNfl V 1 h«T® * sweetheart for you. H-/1 1 Exchange letters with new friends HFARTQ ’n our c*ub’ Write and ask all a about it. Stamp appreciated. EVA MOORE, Boa MS, Jacksonville, Fla.

than this. With nothing to do, week after week, I have worked at the one thing that was left to me. I have developed my will power. From the will of an ordinary man I have increased its strength till my powers now would astound any psychologists—even those who suspect the possibilities of the human will. And I have used it to the harm of the enemy, though my only aim now is my personal vengeance on Jaeger. In the last week there have been twelve murders, six suicides and eight insanity cases, all of noted German officials of the worst type. Among them was Colonel Von Uhlman. These acts were all caused by the hypnotic suggestions which I have made by telepathy.

"And I have advanced even farther than this. I have done what has never been accomplished before. Today my will is so highly developed that by simply exerting it I can move small objects. The suspended flask you saw last night was a demonstration. Were I to continue, the time would come soon when nothing would be impossible for me. My powers would be such that I might rule the world through strength of will. But I have no desire for that. Existence is misery, and when I have accomplished my revenge I shall be glad to leave life, in earnest this time.

"It is by means of my telepathic power that I have thrown you into the hypnotic trance which now claims you, and, using your hand, have written down my story. If you would witness my vengeance on Dr. Jaeger, conceal yourself in the small room behind the guinea pig cage tomorrow night. Be there by nine o'clock as Jaeger, whose mind I read, will come soon after."

THUS ended a manuscript which surpassed by far in grisly horror, gruesome detail and stark improbabil-