Page:Weird Tales Volume 5 Number 4 (1925-04).djvu/172

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in its clutches it could hold me there powerless while my quarry came aboard in safety and my last chance was lost. But I could not tell them this, so I cut a rent in my diving dress, telling them it would be impossible for me to venture below.

With the coming of darkness, all thought of my leaving the ship was abandoned, and Dr. Tyrrel's life was despaired of. For myself, I knew that he was still down there keeping his tryst with Wynona, and the thought of it made me fairly boil with rage. As the night wore on, I became exhausted with the play of conflicting emotions, and, pretending an illness, I went to my cabin.

I must have slept longer than I had intended, for I had many long dreams in which I saw my colleague in the arms of Wynona. The two of them stood there on one of the pillars of Atlantis, mocking me as I struggled with the weeds of the Sargasso. Each dream brought the stuff nearer my throat, while it shook and crushed me as if I were a rodent in the grip of a python. It had clutched my shoulders and was shaking me again, when I awoke and saw that I was not at the bottom of the sea but safe in my cabin, with the captain of the Nautilus grasping me frantically by the shoulder.

"What is the matter?" I demanded, bounding out of my bed and wondering if Dr. Tyrrel had slipped back during the watches of the night.

"The ship is sinking, sir," he said, his voice all a-tremble in the darkness. "You'd best come on deck. There's something wrong. I don't understand it."

The man's teeth were actually chattering, and the tones of his voice struck me into a panic. As I stood there, peering at his white face in the gloom, I noticed for the first time that the floor of my cabin had as-

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