Page:Weird Tales Volume 5 Number 4 (1925-04).djvu/188

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Weird Tales

Up Nights
Makes You Old
Before Your Time

Dangerous Prostate Trouble Saps Vigor
and Vitality—Often Mistaken
for Kidney Ailment

New Treatment Stops Symptoms
Often In 24 Hours


According to statistics 65% of all men sooner or later are started on the road to premature age by prostate and bladder trouble.

One of the commonest symptoms of this dangerous, but little understood, ailment is the necessity of getting up nights. Other indications are, burning sensation of organs, dull ache at the base of the spine and in the small of the back, pains in the groin and legs. These symptoms are often attributed to kidney ailments, and it is obvious that the wrong kind of treatment or neglect is almost certain to lead to a dangerous and delicate condition, which may eventually necessitate a surgical operation.

But now, thanks to a new scientific specific, the symptoms, pains and troubles of prostate disorders can frequently be checked within a few hours.

This remarkable new treatment, which seemingly banishes prostate and bladder symptoms in the most stubborn and advanced cases is known as Walker's Prostate Specific. It has now been used by over 150,000 men in all parts of America, and remarkable statements as to quick results, elimination of symptoms, increasing of pep, vigor and vitality and health are daily being received.

In fact, I am so confident that Walker's Prostate Specific will succeed where all other treatments have failed, that I will gladly send any reader of this paper a complete $1.00 treatment absolutely free, prepaid and under plain wrapper. If it cures you, you can repay the favor by telling your friends and other sufferers. That is all I ask. You are not under the slightest obligation, and this treatment never costs you anything, now or at any other time.

To take advantage of this special introductory offer and stop the ravages of prostate and bladder trouble, simply send me your name and address—a postal card will do. Write me today—every hour you delay simply means running unnecessary dangers.

2559 Gateway Sta., Kansas City, Mo.

his ideals and ambitions with that sweetly sympathetic understanding none but a maid of Venhez can bestow, had free access at all times to his workshop, wherein he toiled and studied for planetary benefit.

And she, one day seeing his distress at bafflement in his researches, saying naught, withdrew, returning shortly bearing in her arms her chiefest treasure, an instrument of many strings from which she proceeded to draw sweet strains of music, hoping thus to soothe his perturbed mind.

There came a wondrously sweet strain recurring in her melody, and the first time it sounded, the Lunarion winced. Repetition of that strain made him howl! And realization came to Ron Ti in one blinding flash of lightlike clarity.

"Harmony!" he shouted, rejoicing. "The blob-thing is discordant in its essential nature!"

Never a maid of all Venhez was so proud just then as that love-girl of Ron Ti's. She had, at least, produced some sort of impression on the fiend, made it suffer grievously. So over and over she played that selfsame strain, and, ere many minutes had passed, the Lunarion fell prone, writhing in anguish, howling like a thing demented.

"Enough, Alu Rai," Ron bade her after watching the captive's misery for a space. "You have rendered the universe a service! Now depart, for I would think. Herein lies the secret of the weapon which will purge an afflicted world of its wo!"

It was a mighty fleet which started for Aerth on that never-to-be-for-gotten expedition of rescue and reprisal. Practically speaking, all the craft were of similar appearance, for the Aethir-Torps had long been conceded to be the most efficient type for inter-spatial voyaging. Even the Aerthons had used them before they were subjugated, and Jon the Aer-