Page:Weird Tales Volume 5 Number 6 (1925-06).djvu/144

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The Devil-God

(Continued from page 356)

yards of Mpatanasi, and its dragging talons stiffened and shot upward and seized Mpatanasi about the arm.

The flames expired. Mpatanasi’s arm was twisted violently, and then literally torn off. A stream of blood gushed from a cavern of ragged encrimsoned walls, a cavern of mutilated tissue that flared horribly where Mpatanasi's elbow should have been, and spattered Mpatanasi's wet torso and perspiring thighs. Mpatanasi felt himself falling—falling through space. He closed his eyes, and endeavored to quell the unnatural fear in his poor, tired brain.


Mu-senyui waited under the aloe palms. He squatted on his knees, and fumbled nervously with a covered object, which lay beside him on the ground. The object was the size of a large melon and it was concealed beneath several layers of yellow leaves. Mu-senyui seemed eminently proud to possess the object, and yet he displayed an admirable reticence and tact in his handling of it. Mu-senyui waited under the aloe palms for Mpatanasi’s daughter.

She came to him over the cool, wet sward with gilded eyebrows and painted lips and ivory plugs in her nose and ears. She came singing, and she smiled gloriously when she beheld patient, tolerant Mu-senyui with the covered object beside him on the ground. She came up to him, and kissed him on the lips and ran her nimble fingers through his curly hair.

“Dear, dear Mu-senyui,” she said. Mu-senyui regarded her cynically.

“It is very unfortunate,” he observed. “Your father might have arranged a more convenient and less sensational demise. Why did he not stay and have it out with the forest-devil?"

The daughter of Mpatanasi knelt and took the covered object into her hands. Slowly she unwound the yel¬ low leaves. She was exceedingly happy, and she beamed upon kind, tired Mu-senyui. The last wrapping fell away, and the face of Mpatanasi her father stared mildly up at her. His lips were parted, and the kindness and nobility of his spirit glittered in his eyes. His face was chastened, ascetic, at peace with man. He bestowed a generous benediction upon Mu-senyui and his painted daughter.

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