Page:Weird Tales Volume 5 Number 6 (1925-06).djvu/2

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What 50c Will Bring You

THE SUNKEN LAND, by George W. Bayly

An eery tale of a forest of great trees alive with hate and armed with giant tentacles.

THE PURPLE DEATH, by Edith Lyle Ragsdale

In your wildest imaginings you will not guess what killed these men until the author reveals it to you.

IN THE WEIRD LIGHT, by Edward Everett Wright and Ralph Howard Wright

A fascinating novelette about one who wandered through the maelstrom into the secret caverns of earth.

THE SIXTH TREE, by Edith Lichty Stewart

A tale of the weirdest game that ever was played.


The master magician tells an eery, true story of his adventures in Egypt.

The above are a few of the smashing stories in this BIG ANNIVERSARY NUMBER of "Weird Tales.” Altogether, there are fifty distinct features—Novels, Short Stories and Novelettes. This issue was the 1924 May, June and July numbers combined. We have a limited number of them on hand, and while the supply lasts, will mail one, postage prepaid, to any address for


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WEIRD TALES 317 Baldwin Bldg., Dept. A-S, Indianapolis, Ind.

Enclosed find 50c for copy of Anniversary Number.

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GET A SWEETHEART. Our Illustrated Magazine is full of them. Many very rich. 10c copy. Cupid's Bulletin (WT) New Haven, Conn.