Page:Weird Tales Volume 8 Number 4 (1926-10).djvu/4

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Published monthly by the Popular Fiction Publishing Company, 2457 E. Washington Street, Indianapolis, Ind. Entered as second-class matter March 20, 1923, at the postoffice at Indianapolis, Ind., under the act of March 3, 1879. Single copies, 25 cents. Subscription, $2.50 a year in the United States; $3.00 a year in Canada. The publishers are not responsible for the loss of unsolicited manuscripts, although every care will be taken of such material while in their possession. All manuscripts and communications should be addressed to the publishers' main office at 3810 Broadway, Chicago, Ill. English office: G. M. Jeffries Agency, Hopefield House, Hanwell, London, W. 7. The contents of this magazine are fully protected by copyright and must not be reproduced either wholly or in part without permission from the publishers. FARNSWORTH WRIGHT, Editor.

Copyright, 1926, by the Popular Fiction Publishing Company

Contents for October, 1926

Cover Design: C. Barker Petrie, Jr.

Illustrating a scene from "The Supreme Witch"

The Supreme Witch - C. Appleby Terrill - 436

There were terrors that Nora Shafto dreaded worse than death, but she had witch's craft enough to protect herself

The Voice of Bills John Martin Leahy - 449

A rational ghost-story, which loses none of its thrill because the reader feels that it could have happened

The Throwback - Orlin Frederick - 461

A five-minute tale, about an atavism, a hark-back to primordial savage ancestors

The Great God Pan - Seabury Quinn - 463

Jules de Grandin throws a wrench into the schemes of the pagan high priest of a new kind of Pan-worship

(Continued on Next Page)