Page:Weird Tales Volume 8 Number 5 (1926-11).djvu/89

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The FIEND of the MARSH




An anthropomorphic werewolf chases a flapper, as she fires a gun back at it
An anthropomorphic werewolf chases a flapper, as she fires a gun back at it

"Five bursts of flame flashed from the extended weapon in rapid succession."

"MY GOD! What’s that!”Graveland Stannard spoke nervously, the tense, strained tones betraying marked alarm.

Prom somewhere outside the magnificent residence of the famous expert in plastic surgery there had suddenly come a long, piercing, brutelike wail, splitting the sultry blackness of the warm June night with startling and mournful cadence. Weirdly, like a melancholy warning from the spirit world, the terrifying, unearthly cry had come to these two erring young souls.

The girl-wife of the great surgeon—blond, shapely and pretty, a weak flapper whose prayerbook was a pack of cards, whose rosary was a cigarette case, and whose prayer was made to a bottle of synthetic gin—answered the man’s nervous inquiry lightly as she again pressed her warm, red lips to those of the dark young artist, but there was also a noticeable trace of agitation present in her voice.

“It is only Terror, the doctor’s great wolf,” she said, reassuringly. “Don’t be such a coward, Stan—it’s only Terror quarreling with some of the animals the doctor keeps for his nasty experiments! Oh, Stan! He is a wonderful man—but I hate him! I’m afraid of him, too, Stan dear—he’s so cold and hard and cruel!"

“The doctor is a great man,” young Stannard declared, “but I’ve heard that in his vivisection-experiments he is absolutely without feeling!”

The doctor’s pretty young wife lay contentedly in the young artist’s arms. Suddenly he felt her tremble a little.