Page:Weird Tales v02n04 (1923-11).djvu/88

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ADVERTISEMENT FREE FINGER PRINT OUTFIT To those who enroll right now I will give this complete Finger Print Outfit absolutely free. It is a regular expert's working outfit the same kind that I use myself-the same kind that you will use when you are ready to accept a position as a Finger Print Expert. This offer is for a limited time only, so you must hurry if you want to take advantage of it. Send in the coupon today for full information. BE A FINGER PRINT EXPERT Learn at Home-30 Minutes a Day know just Only thirty minutes a day for a short time. That is all that is necessary. I am a Finger Print Expert and what is required. I give you just the kind of training that prepares you to be a Finger Print Expert-that assures you of a position just as soon as you have finished my course. The Finger Print Expert is always in demand. You need not give up your present occupation while studying this fascinating profession. Get into this big paying profession right now. More Men Needed Right Now The professional Finger Print Expert is always in demand. I have so many positions waiting to be filled right now that I am guaranteeing to place every man as soon as he finishes my courso and I am backing up this remarkable offer with a $1000 bank guarantee deposited with the Phillips State Bank of Chicago. Let me make you a Finger Print Expert and start you in a big paying position. I Guarantee You a Position as soon as you have finished this course. Write today for full information. Send Coupon Today The big opportunity you have been waiting for is here. Re- member you have a position waiting for you as soon as you have finished this course. Also to every student that I'accept now I will give absolutely free a complete Finger Print Outfit as illus- trated above. Besides, a valuable course for Secret Service Intelligence is also given free to all my students. This information itself is worth many times the cost of the complete course. Send coupon today and learn all about it. U. S. School of Finger Prints 7003 No. Clark St. Room 13-98 Chicago, Ill. U. S. School of Finger Prints, Room 13-98 7003 No. Clark St., Chicago, Ill. Without any obligations whatsoever please send me full informa- tion about your "Guaranteed Position Offer-Free Finger Print Outfit." Also tell me how I can become a Finger Print Expert. Name Address City State.