Page:Weird Tales volume 02 number 03.djvu/93

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$95 an Hour!

"Every hour I spent on my I. C. S. Course has been worth $95 to me! My position, my $5,000 a year income, my home, my family's happiness—I owe it all to my spare-time training with the International Correspondence Schools!"

Every mail brings letters from some of the thousands of I. C. S. students telling of promotions or increases in salary as the rewards of spare-time study.

What are you doing with the hours after supper? Can you afford to let them slip by unimproved when you can easily make them mean so much? One hour a day spent with the I. C. S. will prepare you for the position you want in the work you like best. Yes, it will! Put it up to us to prove it. Mark and mail this coupon now!


Bex 7324, Seranten, Panna. Without cost or obligation on my Diesse tell me bow T juality for the poslti the subject defor: witeh fhate matted andes ne Sales Delere BUSINESS TRAINING COURSES Business Management /Salesmanship Organisation Better Letters oat Foreign eae ing and Banking La Busieess Bagish (ineluding C.P.A.) [J Olvil Service ‘Account allway Mat Clerk, Sigh Scboat Subiecrs § DFreneh [) Ulustratiog TECHNICAL AND INDUSTRIAL COURGES Jeal Engtnoerlog Mechanical Machine UNLUCKY? Then wear this Mystic Serpent. Replica of Ancienf Hindu charm against evil spirits, sickness, spells, and symbol of GOOD LUCK .in love, business, games. Heavy, weird and startling, Genuine 14-Karat gold shell, 3-year guarantee. Men and Women. Secret luck” FREE. Sond measure (string tied around finger.) ‘AHLI K. BABA, Box 55, 116 Str, Sta., New York, Pay $2.27 and postage to postman on delivery. TOBACCO HABIT CURED OR NO PAY Any form, cigars, cigarette: , chewing or sm Bey rm ae oer arclocs’ Coats $1.00 it cores Nothing if it fails. Used by over 400,000 men and women. SUPERBA COMPANY 154, BALTIMORE, MD. “formula for


(Continued from page 90)

"Stay where you are," he commanded, "for I will shoot you with as little compunction as I would a pair of snakes! Dale," he went on, coolly, "the telephone is by your hand; if you will be good enough to ring up Scotland Yard and mention my name to Colonel Fairbody, the Assistant Commissioner, I have no doubt that he will send somebody round to take charge of these people."

Only Mademoiselle Nadia's quick breathing broke the silence until Dale's voice, speaking into the instrument, rang out sharply:

"Get me Scotland Yard, please—quickly."

In the November Weird Tales you will find another story by Francis D. Grierson, called "The Iron Room"—an unusual story.


(Continued from page 70)

becomes a four-dimensional creature like the Jupiterians, only different."

"Nom de mademoiselle!" I commented.

"Say something sensible," he reprimanded me.

"For the love of Einstein, how do you know all these things about the Jupiterians?" I asked, a sudden suspicion flashing across what I am pleased to call my mind.

"Ah, Einstein, yes," exclaimed Nutt, greatly pleased. "My mother's father's name was Einstein."

"Then you are related to—"

"No, I am not related," he interrupted, "but my mother’s father is."

"A sort of fourth-dimensional relationship, I suppose," I remarked sarcastically.

At that moment the air became vibrant with an invisible sound. The Jupiterians came rolling from all directions, as if they had suddenly heard the dinner bell. They bounded through the Jupiterian steel of the globe, and immediately shrank in size from three feet to one inch.

"The Jupiterian assembly call just blew," explained the professor. "Notice how the passengers draw into themselves. Six hundred thousand are now packed into that globe. Our elevated railroads miss a great opportunity by not having four-dimensional creatures to deal with."

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