Page:Weird Tales volume 36 number 01.djvu/98

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Advert for Perry-Field Tire & Rubber Company.
Advert for a stomach ulcer treatment from the Philadelphia Von COmpnay.
Advert for a Radio Technician course from the National Radio Institute.
Weird Tales Club

9 Rockefeller Plaza
New York,
N. Y.


  • This is your club—a medium to help you and other fantasy and science-fiction fans get together. Readers wanted it—they wrote in telling us how much they would enjoy meeting others of similar tastes.
  • Membership is very simple: just drop us a line, so that we can enroll you on the club roster, and publish your name and address in the magazine.
  • A membership card carrying the above design—personal token of your fellowship with the weird and the fantastic—will be sent on request. (A stamped, addressed envelope should be enclosed.)

"Ghoulish" Anticipation

A couple of issues back we posted a little announcement. Naturally we were happy to receive our cards, the two of us fans. Mighty happy indeed were we to find a couple of interested fans in this locale. However, who would have anticipated a club with twenty members in the short space of two months!

We are very reluctant to stop at such a number, though, and believe that this is just a hint of what is to come.

We cater to zombies, black sheep, the mentally unbalaced, and even normal fans. Come on—rip our library to pieces, get a membership card, lick our stickers, read our club publication, meet authors, artists, top fans, and amateur editors.

The Golden Gate Futurians welcome you to have more fun than ever before, and to mix with fans that talk your kind of fan shop-talk (remarkable for the lowest club dues on record—two-third cents a day)!

Jangle my nerves at ANdover 2559.

Ghoulishly awaitin',
Joe J. Fortier,
Director, G. G. Futurians.

1836 39th Avenue
Oakland, California.