Page:Weird Tales volume 36 number 02.djvu/103

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He was conjured back to life, this man, by magic half as old as Time, by a secret formula buried deep in the dusty pages of The Book of the Dead
By Frank

Black and white illustration of a man in Egyptian costume with his eyes raised to the sky and his arms raised. Behind and to the side of him is a mass of other figures.
Black and white illustration of a man in Egyptian costume with his eyes raised to the sky and his arms raised. Behind and to the side of him is a mass of other figures.
A Tale of the Wisdom of Ancient Egypt—and the Madness of Modern times

"I, and I alone, can invoke the spirits of the Dead; after that, I shall go out once more into the darkness!"


When Eric Hanley left his coupé and started toward the house, Susan Blythe stepped out from the vine-covered arbor and called to him.

"Mr. Hanley!"

He turned. "Yes, Miss Blythe?"

"Would you mind?" she asked, motioning toward the arbor. "I want to talk to you about father—"

Hanley hesitated. His eyes went from the girl's face to the castle-like English house. She noted his hesitation and came a step closer.

"Please! I know he summoned you and it's that I want to talk to you about. I'm afraid—"