Page:Welsh Medieval Law.djvu/374

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who, after it is given, is a free man. The third is a clerk who the day he receives the tonsure is in the morning a taeog (yn vab tayawc[1]) and becomes that night a free man.

[2]Three legal worths of the foetus of a woman : the first is, blood before formation, if it perish through cruelty, of the value of forty-eight [pence]. The second is, before life (eneit) enters into it, if it perish through cruelty, the third of its galanas is to be paid for it. The third is, after that life has entered into it, if it perish through cruelty, then the whole of its galanas is to be paid for it.

[3]Three ways whereby a son is to be affiliated to a father : one is, when a woman of thicket and bush, being pregnant, shall be at her full time (ar y llawuaeth[4]), let her priest (y pheriglawr[5]) visit her and let her swear to him, ' May I be delivered of a snake by this pregnancy if a father has begotten it on a mother other than the man to whom I affiliate it,' and naming him ; and so she affiliates lawfully. The second is, a chief of kindred with the hands of seven of the kindred with him, is to affiliate him. The third is, if there be no chief of kindred, the oaths of fifty men of his kindred affiliate him, and the son himself

  1. Originally taya6c or tayaỼc
  2. V43 b 23
  3. V44 a 6
  4. Orig. lla6uaeth or llaỼuaeth.
  5. Orig. pherigla6r or pheriglaỼr.