Page:Welsh Medieval Law.djvu/380

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acknowledged lord : that of a father, and of an eldest brother, and of a father in law.

[1]Three legal needles are : the needle of the queen's serving woman ; and the needle of the physician for sewing the wounds ; and the needle of the chief huntsman for sewing the torn dogs ; each one of them is four legal pence in value. The needle of any other skilful woman is a legal penny in value.

[2]Three defunct testimonies there are, which stand in pleas well : one is, when there shall be contention and fighting between two lords concerning land, which subsequently is duly terminated in the presence of all ; after these severally have died, their sons or their grandsons or some of their kindred can bear testimony concerning that land ; and these are called evidences as to land. The second is, persons of lineage from every side who are called land borderers, to decide by kin and descent, and to confirm by bearing testimony ; and they can augment the person's title to land and soil. The third is, when there shall be seen the hearth-stone of a father or a grandfather or of a greatgrandfather or one of the kindred of the same title as himself; and the tofts of the houses and their barns and the furrows

  1. W 103 a l8
  2. W 103 b 4