Page:Welsh Medieval Law.djvu/97

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[Denial of murder by man in the host . . W 90 a 2
[Sarhad to person of four particular gwlads . W 90 a 5
[Amount of the galanas . . . . . W 90 a 9
[Dead wild sow on another's land . . . . W 90 a 11
[Another dead eatable animal (cf. W 82 b 17) . W 90 a 14
[Fox or another uneatable wild animal . . W 90 a 15
[Dirwy and camlwrw of court and llan . . W 90 a 19
[Fault in churchyard in the place of refuge . W 90 a 20
[Sharing of a llan dirwy, and why so shared . W 90 b 1
[Three things of which maer and canghellor do not get share . . . . . . W 90 b 8
[Ship wrecked on land of lord and bishop . . W 90 b 11
[Sharing when law of distress is applied . . W 90 b 13
[One-third of galanas falls on owner of weapon causing death . . W 90 b 20
[Chattels taken from time of war to that of peace W 91 a 1
[Loss of eye whilst two persons are walking in wood W 91 a 3
[Times between court and llan respecting claim W91a7 + V38a1
Lord's time to recollect oath . . . . 38 a 2
Priest's time 38 a 3
Necessary elements in every suit . . . 38 a 5
Perquisite of builder on open land . . . 38 a 7
Gorvodog's liabilities 38 a 10
Gorvodog's time to cancel his gorvodogship . 38 a 13
Thief placed on sureties not to be destroyed . 38 a 14
No responsibility for one's bondman save for theft 38 a 15
Four requisites in administering justice . . 38 a 17
Breaking voluntary cotillage . . . . 38 a 20
Fencing meadow lands because of swine . . 38 a 23
Swine in unripe and in ripe corn . . . 38 a 24
Six ways of losing chattels and how to recover them 38 b 4
An unintentional blow (cf. W 89 b 4) . . 38 b 8
Pledger must be of same worth as the one pledged 38 b 11